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Ground-Based Synthetic Aperture Radar (GBSAR) is an all-day all-weather, non-contact, high-precision instrument for wide-area deformation monitoring, which has been widely used to monitormining areas, slops, and dams. When monitoring the outside scene with the radar placed in the inner space, the radar echo would be interfered with by strong scattering signals reflected from the inner space. The strong scattering signal at near range would severely affect the image quality. Therefore, this paper proposes a Robust Principal Component Analysis(RPCA) based algorithm to decompose the range-doppler domain signal into low-rank and sparse parts,as, in the range-doppler domain, the near-range coupled signal has low-rank characteristics, whereas the scene signal has sparse characteristics. Unlike the existing Principal Component Analysis(PCA) based algorithm, the proposed RPCA algorithm does not assume a Gaussian-distributed scene signal, which usually could not be satisfied in reality. Additionally, this paper proposes a correlation-based regularization parameter optimization method for RPCA. Thus, low rank and sparse matrices can be better separated. Furthermore, the proposed method is verified with real GBSAR data. The result shows that the proposed RPCA based method can better suppress the coupled signal while retaining the scene signal than the existing PCA-based algorithm.
Traditional fusion algorithms of infrared and visible images often have defects such as insufficient target extraction and loss of details, which lead to unsatisfactory fusion effects, and the fused image can not be applied to target detection, tracking or recognition. Therefore, a fusion method of infrared and visible images based on guided filtering and improved maximum Shannon entropy segmentation method using Ant Lion Optimization algorithm (ALO) is proposed. First, Ant Lion Optimized Maximum Entropy Segmentation (ALO-MES) algorithm is used to extract the target from infrared image. Then, the Non-Subsampled Shearlet Transform (NSST) is performed on the infrared and visible images to obtained the low frequency and high frequency sub-bands, and conduct guided filtering for obtained sub-bands. The low-frequency fusion coefficient is obtained from the extracted target image and the enhanced infrared and visible low-frequency components through the fusion rule based on ALO-MES. And the high-frequency fusion coefficient is obtained by the enhanced high-frequency sub-bands components through Dual-Channel Spiking Cortical Model (DCSCM). Finally, the fusion image is obtained by inverse NSST transform. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can get fusion image with clear target and background information.