2019, 41(8): 1869-1876.
doi: 10.11999/JEIT181053
In Software Defined Networks (SDN), latency and load are important factors for Controller Placement Problem (CPP). To reduce the transmission latency between controllers, the propagation latency and queuing latency of flow requests, and balance the controller load, a strategy on how to place and adjust the controller is proposed. It mainly includes Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Balanced Control Region Algorithm (BCRA) which are used to place the initial controller and one Algorithm of Dynamic Online Adjustment (ADOA), that is an online adjusting algorithm in term dynamic controlling. The above algorithms are all based on the network connectivity. The simulation results show that in initial controller placement situation, under the premise of guaranteeing the lower propagation latency, queue latency and controller transmission latency of flow request, when BCRA is deployed in small and medium-sized networks, its load balancing performance is similar to that of GA and superior to k-center and k-means algorithm; When GA is deployed in large networks, compared with BCRA, k-center and k-means, the load balancing rate increases averagely 49.7%. In the dynamic situation, ADOA can guarantee lower queuing delay and running time, and can still make the load balance parameter less than 1.54.