Manifold Transformation-based Information Geometry Radar Target Detection Method
摘要: 基于信息几何的目标检测方法为解决雷达目标检测问题提供了新的技术途径。该文以矩阵信息几何理论为基础,考虑复杂非均匀环境下,回波信杂比低,目标与杂波在矩阵流形上区分性差,导致传统信息几何检测器性能受限的问题,提出一种基于流形变换的信息几何检测器。具体地,该文建立了流形到流形映射变换,并提出待检测单元与杂波中心的几何距离联合优化方法,从而增强变换后流形上目标与杂波的区分性。通过仿真和实测数据验证,所提方法具有较好检测性能。基于仿真数据实验,当信杂比高于1 dB时,所提方法的检测概率可以达到60%以上,同时,实测数据验证结果表明,当检测概率达到80%时,相较于传统信息几何检测器,该文所提检测器能够提升检测信杂比为3~6 dB。Abstract: A novel and effective information geometry-based method for detecting radar targets is proposed based on the theory of matrix information geometry. Due to the poor discriminative power between the target and the clutter on matrix manifold under complex heterogeneous clutter background with low Signal-to-Clutter Ratio (SCR), in this study, the problem of unsatisfactory performance for the conventional information geometry detector is considered, therefore, to address this issue, a manifold transformation-based information geometry detector is proposed. Concretely, a manifold-to-manifold mapping scheme is designed, and a joint optimization method based on the geometric distance between the Cell Under Test (CUT) and the clutter centroid is presented to enhance the discriminative power between the target and the clutter on the mapped manifold. Finally, the superior performance of the proposed method is evaluated using simulated and real clutter data. The results of simulated data show that the detection probability of the proposed method is over 60% when the SCR exceeds 1 dB. Meanwhile, the real data results confirm that the proposed method can achieve SCR improvement about 3~6 dB compared with the conventional information geometry detector.
表 1 实测杂波数据拟合优度检验结果
统计分布模型 KL距离 KS统计量 正态分布 2.33 0.16 对数正态分布 0.94 0.11 瑞利分布 4.78 0.23 韦布尔分布 1.56 0.12 K分布 0.78 0.06 表 2 IPIX雷达数据信息
数据号 文件名 距离单元数 脉冲数 数据 #1 19980223 _190901 _ANTSTEP.CDF34 60000 数据 #2 19980223 _191339 _ANTSTEP.CDF34 60000 -
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