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孙丽婷 柳征 黄知涛

孙丽婷, 柳征, 黄知涛. 接收域分离的跨接收系统通用性辐射源指纹识别[J]. 电子与信息学报, 2024, 46(10): 3966-3978. doi: 10.11999/JEIT240171
引用本文: 孙丽婷, 柳征, 黄知涛. 接收域分离的跨接收系统通用性辐射源指纹识别[J]. 电子与信息学报, 2024, 46(10): 3966-3978. doi: 10.11999/JEIT240171
SUN Liting, LIU Zheng, HUANG Zhitao. Universal Radio Frequency Fingerprinting across Receiving Systems Using Receiving Domain Separation[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2024, 46(10): 3966-3978. doi: 10.11999/JEIT240171
Citation: SUN Liting, LIU Zheng, HUANG Zhitao. Universal Radio Frequency Fingerprinting across Receiving Systems Using Receiving Domain Separation[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2024, 46(10): 3966-3978. doi: 10.11999/JEIT240171


doi: 10.11999/JEIT240171
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(62301575),国防科技大学青年自主创新科学基金(ZK2023-19)





    孙丽婷 slt2009@yeah.net

  • 中图分类号: TN97

Universal Radio Frequency Fingerprinting across Receiving Systems Using Receiving Domain Separation

Funds: The National Natural Science Foundation of China (62301575), The Youth Independent Innovation Science Fund Project of National University of Defense Technology (ZK2023-19)
  • 摘要: 受辐射源硬件失真和接收机硬件失真的耦合作用,实际接收信号中带有当前辐射源系统和接收系统共同的“个体信息”,导致辐射源指纹识别技术(RFF)在跨接收系统场景下无法通用。为消除接收机染色效应,该文将接收机影响作为单独作用域,提出一种基于接收域分离的跨接收系统通用性辐射源指纹识别方法。该方法通过双标签多通道特征联合和域分离对抗重构方式实现信号中辐射源指纹作用域与接收机染色作用域分离,利用多部接收机数据预先训练网络对两种作用域的分离能力,聚焦辐射源指纹信息提取,从而提升辐射源指纹识别技术在跨平台跨接收系统、更新接收设备等场景下的适应能力。相比于直接特征提取和多接收机打包训练方式,所提方法能够真正适应实际无监督场景,且参与训练的源域接收机数目越多,域适应效果越好,不需要重复训练即可直接推广应用于新接收系统,具有较高的实际应用价值。
  • 图  1  典型发射机和接收机硬件结构

    图  2  跨接收系统场景下算法示意图

    图  3  基于接收域分离的跨接收系统通用性辐射源指纹识别算法实现框架

    图  4  域特征提取器结构

    图  5  解码器结构

    图  6  单接收机直接训练方法跨域适应能力

    图  7  发射机作用域特征降维后分布图

    图  8  接收机作用域特征降维后分布图

    图  9  新接收机适应能力测试

    表  1  辐射源失真参数设置

    标签 滤波器失真 I/Q不平衡 功率放大器 杂散单音与载频泄露
    $({a_0},{a_1},{\alpha _1})$ $({b_0},{b_1},{\beta _1})$ $G$ $\tau $ $({a_1},{a_2},{a_3})$ ${a_{{\text{ST}}}}$ ${f_{{\text{ST}}}}$ $\xi ({10^{ - 3}})$
    E1 (1, 0.030, 0.25) (1, 0.030 2, 0.25) 0.999 8 –0.018 (1, 0.50, 0.30) 0.008 2 0.012 9 1.3+8.2j
    E2 (1, 0.060, 0.25) (1, 0.029 5, 0.25) 1.005 6 0.0175 (1, 0.08, 0.60) 0.007 5 0.013 2 1.5+7.2j
    E3 (1, 0.085, 0.25) (1, 0.029 0, 0.25) 1.010 2 0.012 (1, 0.01, 0.01) 0.007 0 0.012 3 1.1+6.8j
    E4 (1, 0.073, 0.25) (1, 0.031 0, 0.25) 0.999 2 0.003 (1, 0.01, 0.40) 0.008 7 0.013 5 1.7+9.0j
    E5 (1, 0.040, 0.25) (1, 0.031 3, 0.25) 0.998 2 0.024 (1, 0.60, 0.08) 0.00 90 0.011 9 2.0+6.5j
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    表  2  接收机失真参数设置

    ($\sigma _\theta ^2$,${\varOmega _0}$) $v$ $\beta $ $({a_0},{a_1},{T_{\text{a}}})$ $({b_0},{b_1},{T_{\text{b}}})$ $({c_1},{c_2},{c_3})$
    R1(1,0.001)0.0201(1,0.010,4)(1,0.031 5,4)(1,0.10,0.01)
    R2(1,0.010)0.0232(1,0.015,4)(1,0.030 5,4)(1,0.15,0.02)
    R3(1,0.020)0.0303(1,0.020,4)(1,0.029 5,4)(1,0.20,0.03)
    R4(1,0.021)0.0404(1,0.025,4)(1,0.028 5,4)(1,0.25,0.04)
    R5(1,0.022)0.0455(1,0.030,4)(1,0.027 5,4)(1,0.30,0.05)
    R6(1,0.023)0.0506(1,0.035,4)(1,0.026 5,4)(1,0.35,0.06)
    R7(1,0.024)0.0607(1,0.040,4)(1,0.025 5,4)(1,0.40,0.07)
    R8(1,0.025)0.0703(1,0.045,4)(1,0.024 5,4)(1,0.45,0.08)
    R9(1,0.026)0.0733(1,0.050,4)(1,0.023 5,4)(1,0.50,0.09)
    R10(1,0.027)0.0803(1,0.055,4)(1,0.022 5,4)(1,0.55,0.10)
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    表  3  单接收机直接训练方法的正确识别率(%)

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    表  4  单接收机直接训练方法的跨域适应能力统计(%)

    目标域 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 均值
    平均识别率 43.00 49.50 54.50 55.94 56.67 55.50 51.44 48.83 46.28 39.00 50.07
    源域 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 均值
    平均识别率 40.39 45.67 48.11 54.11 57.11 53.11 60.22 50.50 52.44 39.00 50.07
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    表  5  多接收机打包统一训练方法的正确识别率(含跨域适应)(%)

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    表  6  接收域分离方法的正确识别率(%)

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    表  7  多接收域分离方法消融实验的正确识别率(%)

    ${\mathcal{L}_{{\text{2 }}}} + {\mathcal{L}_{{\text{3 }}}}$RF1+RF2+EF+RC91.67${\mathcal{L}_{{\text{1 }}}} + {\mathcal{L}_{{\text{2 }}}}$RF1+RF2+EF98.44
    ${\mathcal{L}_{{\text{2 }}}} + {\mathcal{L}_{{\text{4 }}}}$RF1+RF2+EF+DE99.48${\mathcal{L}_{{\text{2 }}}} + {\mathcal{L}_{{\text{3 }}}}$RF1+EF+RC+DE95.31
    ${\mathcal{L}_{{\text{1 }}}} + {\mathcal{L}_{{\text{2 }}}}$RF1+RF2+EF+DE98.50${\mathcal{L}_{{\text{2 }}}}$EF44.50
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