Power Allocation Optimization in the Downlink of Asymmetric Paired Carrier Multiple Access Systems
摘要: 为提高卫星通信系统的和速率,该文研究了非对称成对载波多址接入(APCMA)系统下行链路的功率分配问题。以最大化系统和速率为目标,在总功率和满足各用户最低服务质量的约束下,通过凸优化的方法,得到了最优功率分配方案,并给出了两种次优功率分配方案。该文以正交多址接入(OMA)中的经典算法作为对比,仿真结果表明,所提功率方案能够最大化和速率,展示了APCMA系统相比OMA系统在频谱效率方面有更优性能。
- 卫星通信 /
- 非对称成对载波多址接入 /
- 和速率 /
- 功率分配 /
- 服务质量
Abstract: In order to improve the sum rate in the satellite communication system, power allocation in downlink of Asymmetric Paired Carrier Multiple Access (APCMA) system is investigated. Under the constraint of total power and the minimum quality of service for each user, the optimal power allocation scheme is obtained via the methods of convex optimization with the objective of maximizing the sum capacity, and two suboptimal power allocation schemes are given. Compared with the classic algorithm in Orthogonal Multiple Access (OMA), the simulation results show that the proposed scheme in APCMA maximizes the sum rate, and has superior performance in spectral efficiency. -
表 1 非对称PCMA系统下行链路参数表
仿真参数 仿真值 载波频率 20 GHz 转发器带宽 480 MHz 噪声温度 321 K 玻尔兹曼常数 –228 dBW/(K·Hz) 卫星天线增益 54.3 dB 小站的G/T值 2.6 dB/K 中心站的G/T值 12.6 dB/K -
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