The Power Suppression Techniques for the DPA-resistant RISC-V CPU Core Based on WDDL
摘要: 差分功耗分析(DPA)攻击不仅威胁加密硬件,对加密软件的安全性也构成严重挑战。将波动动态差分逻辑(WDDL)技术应用在RISC-V指令集的处理器芯核上可减少功耗信息的泄露。但是,WDDL技术会给电路引入巨大的功耗开销。该文针对基于WDDL的RISC-V处理器芯核提出两种功耗抑制方法。虽然随机预充电使能技术与指令无关,而预充电使能指令技术需要扩充指令集,但这两种方法都是属于轻量级的设计改进。仿真结果表明,采用了随机预充电使能技术和预充电使能指令技术的Rocket 芯核的电路功耗分别是原始的WDDL Rocekt 芯核功耗的42%和36.4%。Abstract: Differential Power Analysis (DPA) is a serious threat to cryptographic hardware and software. The RISC-V processor core based on Wave Dynamic Differential Logic (WDDL) is implemented to mitigate the power leakage. However, the WDDL technique results in a dramatic increase in circuit power. For WDDL-based RISC-V CPU cores, two power suppression techniques are proposed in the paper. Both of them are lightweight solutions. The simulation results show that the circuit power of the DPA-resistant Rocket core with the random precharge enabling technique and the precharge enabling instruction technique can be reduced to 42% and 36.4% of that of the original WDDL based counterpart, respectively.
表 1 不同程序的功耗比较(mW)
sc-Rocket sw-Rocket Rocket ALU Rocket ALU Helloworld 1.55 0.04 5.60(×3.6) 4.09(×102.3) DES 2.16 0.13 6.14(×2.8) 4.12(×31.6) AES 1.94 0.11 5.93(×3.1) 4.11(×37.4) RSA 1.72 0.05 5.77(×3.4) 4.09(×81.8) 表 2 随机预充电发生器的面积和功耗开销
NC PC 面积(μm2) 功耗(μW) Divider PRNG Generator Generator 8 2 33.1 270.4 346.7 26.6 6 33.1 354.6 436.7 27.7 16 5 46.4 271.0 372.2 31.3 8 46.4 400.0 517.3 31.4 16 46.4 451.8 579.2 31.7 32 5 58.7 272.0 398.2 35.8 10 58.7 453.2 597.6 35.6 16 58.7 453.6 604.8 35.7 30 58.7 465.5 615.9 36.3 64 6 71.6 356.8 519.8 40.6 8 71.6 402.5 571.0 40.6 16 71.6 457.2 632.9 40.8 30 71.6 466.9 642.6 40.9 64 71.6 520.6 709.6 41.0 表 3 不同Rocket核心的面积开销(μm2)
sc-Rocket sw-Rocket rw-Rocket iw-Rocket Rocket 74644.2 85620.6 86020.9 86252.8 ALU 4063.0 15039.4 15439.7 15010.9 CSRFile 15794.3 15794.3 15794.3 16426.1 表 4 不同Rocket核心运行AES-128程序的功耗开销(mW)
sw-Rocket rw-Rocket iw-Rocket Rocket 5.93 2.49 2.16 ALU 4.11 0.67 0.33 CSRFile 0.24 0.24 0.26 -
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