Transmit Waveform Optimization of Polarimetric Radar in Signal-dependent Clutter
摘要: 波形优化可有效抑制干扰,显著改善雷达探测性能。针对全极化雷达,考虑发射波形满足能量和相似性双重约束,以最大化信杂噪比为准则,对发射波形和接收滤波器进行联合优化。该文设计了一种波形和滤波器的迭代优化算法,该方法序贯提高输出信杂噪比。算法的每一次迭代需要分别解决一个凸问题和隐凸问题,整个算法的计算量与迭代次数和接收滤波器长度分别呈线性和多项式关系。最后,通过仿真实验分析了算法的收敛性、优化波形的模糊度函数方面的性质,与其他算法进行了对比,结果表明:与现有方法相比,该文方法可实现信杂噪比的有效提升。Abstract: Waveform optimization can effectively suppress the interference, and improve significantly radar performance. With considering polarimetric radars as the object of study and to maximize the output Signal-to-Clutter plus Noise Ratio (SCNR) as the merit of figure, an optimization problem of joint transmit waveform and receive filter design under both the energy and similarity constraints is constructed. Then, an optimization procedure for transmit signal and receive filter which improves sequentially the SCNR is exploited. Each iteration of the algorithm requires the solution of both a convex and a hidden convex optimization problem, and the resulting computational complexity is linear with the number of iterations and polynomial with the receive filter length. Finally, the convergence of the algorithm and the property of the optimized waveform in the ambiguous domain are analyzed through numerical experiments. Results show that, compared to the existing methods, the proposed approach improves significantly the SCNR.
Key words:
- Polarimetric radar /
- Waveform optimization /
- Waveform design /
- Similarity constraint
表 1 算法1:Dinkelbach算法求解
$ {\cal{P}}_{\rm{FP}} $ 已知:$ {\cal{X}}\subseteq \mathbb{C}^N $, $ f({{x}}) $和$ g({{x}}) $ 求:优化问题$ {\cal{P}}_{\rm{FP}} $的解$ {{x}}^\star $ (1) 令$ m=0,~\lambda_m=0 $; (2) 重复 (3) 计算$ {{x}}_m^\star= \arg \displaystyle{\max_{{{x}}\in {\cal{X}}}}\left\{f({{x}})-\lambda_m g({{x}})\right\}$; (4) $ F_{\lambda}=f({{x}}_m^\star)-\lambda_m g({{x}}_m^\star) $; (5) $ m=m+1 $; (6) $\lambda_m=\dfrac{f({{x} }_m^\star)}{g({{x} }_m^\star)}$; (7) 直到 $ F_\lambda=0 $; (8) 输出 $ {{x}}^\star={{x}}^\star_m$。 表 2 算法2:发射波形-接收滤波器联合优化算法
已知:$ \sigma_v^2 $, $\Big\{(r_{ij}(n,n'),\sigma_n,\epsilon_n,\chi_n),$$ \{i,j\}\in\{1,2,3\},\{n,n'\}= $$ -N+1,···,M-1\Big\} $, $ {{T}}(\theta) $, $ {{s}}_0 $, $ \gamma $和$ \zeta $ 求:优化问题$ \cal{P} $的解$ \left({{s}}^\star,{{w}}^\star\right) $ (1) 令$ m:=0,{{s}}^{(m)}={{s}}_0 $,代入式(15)得到$ {{w}}^{(0)} $,对应$ {\rm{SINR}}^{(0)}=\left(g\left({{s}}_0, {{w}}^{(0)}\right)\right)^2 $; (2) 重复 (3) $ m:=m+1 $; (4) 采用算法1解$ {\cal{P}}_{{{s}}^{(m)}} $得到第$ m$步的最优发射波形
$ {{s}}^{(m)} $;(5) 将$ {{s}}^{(m)} $代入式(15)得到第$ m$步的最优接收滤波
器$ {{w}}^{(m)} $;(6) 计算$ {\rm{SINR}}^{(m)}=\left(g\left({{s}}^{(m)}, {{w}}^{(m)}\right)\right)^2 $; (7) 直到$ |{\rm{SCNR}}^{(m)}-{\rm{SCNR}}^{(m-1)}|<\zeta $; (8) 输出$ {{s}}^\star={{s}}^{(m)} $, $ {{w}}^\star={{w}}^{(m)} $。 -
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