A Collusion-Resistant Asymmetric Public-Key Traitor Tracing Scheme for Multi-channel Services
摘要: 该文提出一种新的叛逆者追踪方案,将会话密钥S分解成S1与S2之和。基于离散对数困难问题,引入多频道服务参数和特殊多项式函数来解密S1,利用中国剩余定理来解密S2。新方案具有支持多频道服务、抗共谋、非对称性、用户密钥的耐用性、黑盒子追踪等优点,并且在DDH(Diffie-Hellman Problem)困难问题的假设下证明了新方案是语义上安全的,通过分析表明新方案的整体性能明显好于已有方案。Abstract: A new traitor tracing scheme is proposed , whose essential idea is the session key S is divided into a sum of S1 and S2. Based on DL(discrete logarithm)problem, S1 is decrypted by introducing a multi-channel service parameter and a special polynomial function, S2 is decrypted by Chinese Remainder Theorem. The new scheme has many advantages such as multi-service, collusion-resistance, asymmetry, long-lived subscribers key and black-box tracing. It is proved to be semantically secure under the DDH (Diffie-Hellman Problem) assumption and its whole capabilities are much better than that of the existing ones.
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