摘要: 多尺度分析中的一个重要问题是检测特征的尺度空间进化规律。本文以2-D高斯函数作为核函数,明确给出了角点图像的尺度空间检测边缘是一个由角边界的斜率和分析尺度共同决定的椭圆。以此为基础,讨论了尺度因子对相邻角点检测边缘的同化效应,给出了角最小分辨率与分析尺度的关系不等式。本文的结果对多尺度分析具有普遍性参考意义。Abstract: The detected features evolution in scale-space is an important problem in multiscale analysis. With the 2-D Gaussian function as the kernel, the detected edge of an acute corner in scale-space, that is an ellipse determined by the slope of the corner boundary and the analysis scale, is given out clearly in this paper. Based on this, the assimilative effect of the scale factor to the detected edges of adjacent corners is discussed and the inequality of the distinguishable resolution of the corners in scale-space with the scale factor is given. The results given in this paper can be treated as the general reference for the multiscale analysis.
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