The Coupling Technique for ICs Centering Design and Tolerance Optimization
摘要: 基于对集成电路参数成品率中心值设计和容差分配的研究,该文提出了一种参数成品率中心值设计和容差分配耦合求解最优设计值的算法。该算法不需要设计者对电路或工艺的物理结构非常熟悉,从任意初始设计值和任意大小的容差,算法均可收敛到可接受域中的最优设计值。另外,根据工艺线的容差,算法可确定集成电路的最优参数成品率,也可根据实际要求选择适当容差的工艺线,以降低生产成本、提高效益。最后用实例证明了该算法的可行性和实用性,得到了满意的结果。Abstract: A coupling technique is proposed based on parametric yields centering design and tolerance optimization. The technique is convergence to the optimal normal values from given initial design variable and tolerance with little knowledge of circuit, device or technology. In the optimal value, the maximum yield can be obtained according to technology condition while proper technology conditions can be chosen according to practical requirements. Finally, the feasibility and utility of the method are demonstrated satisfactorily by numerical and practical examples.
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