Intuitionistic Fuzzy Conditional Reasoning with the Confidence Spreading
摘要: 针对直觉模糊逻辑及命题演算,基于直觉指数所表征的中立证据中支持与反对的程度呈均衡状态的假设,提出利用隶属度与犹豫度计算直觉模糊逻辑命题真值的对称合成方法,给出直觉模糊逻辑命题的运算规则。重点研究了基于直觉模糊逻辑的条件推理方法,包括直觉模糊蕴涵式推理、条件式推理、多重式推理、多维式推理及多重多维式推理等;推导了相关的推理合成运算公式。针对带有可信度因子的直觉模糊逻辑推理,包括典型的、加权的及狭义的直觉模糊推理;分析了规则中的可信度因子传播对结论可信度的影响;给出了相关的计算结论真值的公式。Abstract: To the predicate calculus on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Logic (IFL), a symmetric synthetic method for finding the truth of IFL propositions using membership and hesitancy degree is proposed on the basis of the hypothesis of an equilibrium state of supportability and opposability of neutral evidences indicated in the intuitionistic index. The fundamental operation rules on IFL propositions are presented. The investigation is with an emphasis on the techniques for conditional reasoning on IFL, including the implications, the conditions, the multiplications, and the multi-dimensions on IFL, etc. The related sets of mathematical formulas of inference compositional operations are derived. To the IFL reasoning with confidence factors, including those of the typical, the weighted, and the narrow senses, the effects of confidence factors spreading abroad in rules on those of conclusions are analyzed. The related formulas for finding the true conclusions are exposed.
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