2005, 27(4): 505-508.
A Spread Spectrum CI(SSCI) synthesized narrow pulse technique is put forward based on UWB CI pulse, a narrow pulse signal synthesized by several coherent carriers. The power spectrum density is decreased, the frequency usage efficiency is improved and the multi-access application is allowed. Through CI spectrum spreading of each coherent carrier and synthesizing them together, good results can be obtained. The narrow pulse signal synthesized by several SS subcarriers features good signal waveform and anti-multipath high resolution performance of UWB signal. Meanwhile, it is capable of correlative receiving the SS coherent subcarriers, so that the correlative receiving gain is improved and the intersymbol cross-interference is decreased. This study, the ultra-wide band SSCI signal is design to an optimal signal conforming to FCC and ETSI standards by signal optimizing design method, which can reduce the interference with other wireless systems. The paper gives theoretical analysis, design method and computer simulation results. This design method is significant to improve the performance of UWB communication system.