Vision-Language Tracking Method Combining Bi-level Routing Perception and Scattered Vision Transformation
摘要: 针对视觉-语言关系建模中存在感受野有限和特征交互不充分问题,该文提出一种结合双层路由感知和散射视觉变换的视觉-语言跟踪框架(BPSVTrack)。首先,设计了一种双层路由感知模块(BRPM),通过将高效的加性注意力(EAA)与双动态自适应模块(DDAM)并行结合起来进行双向交互来扩大感受野,使模型更加高效地整合不同窗口和尺寸之间的特征,从而提高模型在复杂场景中对目标的感知能力。其次,通过引入基于双树复小波变换(DTCWT)的散射视觉变换模块(SVTM),将图像分解为低频和高频信息,以此来捕获图像中目标结构和细粒度信息,从而提高模型在复杂环境下的鲁棒性和准确性。在OTB99, LaSOT, TNL2K 3个跟踪数据集上分别取得了86.1%, 64.4%, 63.2%的精度,在RefCOCOg数据集上取得了70.21%的准确率,在跟踪和定位方面的性能均优于基准模型。Abstract: Considering the issues of limited receptive field and insufficient feature interaction in vision-language tracking framework combineing Bi-level routing Perception and Scattering Visual Trans-formation (BPSVTrack) is proposed in this paper. Initially, a Bi-level Routing Perception Module (BRPM) is designed which combines Efficient Additive Attention(EAA) and Dual Dynamic Adaptive Module(DDAM) in parallel to enable bidirectional interaction for expanding the receptive field. Consequently, enhancing the model’s ability to integrate features between different windows and sizes efficiently, thereby improving the model’s ability to perceive objects in complex scenes. Secondly, the Scattering Vision Transform Module(SVTM) based on Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform(DTCWT) is introduced to decompose the image into low frequency and high frequency information, aiming to capture the target structure and fine-grained details in the image, thus improving the robustness and accuracy of the model in complex environments. The proposed framework achieves accuracies of 86.1%, 64.4%, and 63.2% on OTB99, LaSOT and TNL2K tracking datasets respectively. Moreover, it attains an accuracy of 70.21% on the RefCOCOg dataset, the performance in tracking and locating surpasses that of the baseline model.
表 1 模型的3种变体在数据集LaSOT和TNL2K上的AUC和Pre
变体 LaSOT TNL2K AUC Pre AUC Pre JointNLT 0.569 0.593 0.546 0.550 JointNLT +BRPM 0.547 0.569 0.521 0.516 JointNLT +SVT 0.562 0.580 0.543 0.539 JointNLT +BRPM+SVT 0.574 0.612 0.550 0.563 表 2 双层路由感知模块在LaSOT和TNL2K上的AUC和Pre
模型 LaSOT TNL2K AUC Pre AUC Pre BRPM 0.547 0.569 0.521 0.516 BRPM-FI 0.538 0.560 0.517 0.504 EAA-O 0.537 0.554 0.513 0.507 DDAM-O 0.540 0.559 0.517 0.510 BRPM-STE 0.539 0.564 0.515 0.512 表 3 标记压缩-增强模块在数据集LaSOT和TNL2K上的PRE和P
模型 LsSOT TNL2K 模型 PRE PRE STE-S 0.569 0.516 155.4M STE-NS 0.563 0.511 155.9M 表 4 分离方法和联合方法以及定位和跟踪之间的比较
分离的方法 联合的方法 VLTVG+STARK VTLVG+OSTrack SepRM JointNLT BPSVTrack FLOPs 定位 39.6G 39.6G 34.7G 34.9G 35.9G 跟踪 20.4G 48.3G 38.5G 42.0G 43.1G fps 定位 28.2 ms 28.2 ms 26.4 ms 34.8 ms 36.0 ms 跟踪 22.9 ms 8.3 ms 20.6 ms 25.3 ms 28.4 ms P 总量 169.8M 214.7M 214.4M 153.0M 155.4M AUC LaSOT 0.446 0.524 0.518 0.569 0.574 TNL2K 0.373 0.399 0.491 0.546 0.550 表 5 不同方法在数据集OTB99, LaSOT和TNL2K上的AUC和Pre
方法 来源 初始化方式 OTB99 LaSOT TNL2K AUC Pre AUC Pre AUC Pre AutoMatch[27] ICCV21 BB – – 0.583 0.599 0.472 0.435 TrDiMP[28] CVPR21 BB – – 0.639 0.663 0.523 0.528 TransT[29] CVPR21 BB – – 0.649 0.690 0.507 0.517 STARK[26] ICCV21 BB – – 0.671 0.712 – – KeepTrack[30] ICCV21 BB – – 0.671 0.702 – – SwinTrack-B[31] NeurIPS22 BB – – 0.696 0.741 – – OSTrack-384[14] ECCV2022 BB – – 0.711 0.776 0.559 – TNLS-II[15] CVPR17 NL 0.250 0.290 – – – – RTTNLD[17] WACV20 NL 0.540 0.780 0.280 0.280 – – GTI[16] TCSVT20 NL 0.581 0.732 0.478 0.476 – – TNL2K-1[3] CVPR21 NL 0.190 0.240 0.510 0.490 0.110 0.060 CTRNLT[4] CVPR22 NL 0.530 0.720 0.520 0.510 0.140 0.090 JointNLT CVPR23 NL 0.592 0.776 0.569 0.593 0.546 0.550 BPSVTrack 本文 NL 0.603 0.786 0.574 0.612 0.550 0.563 TNLS-III[15] CVPR17 NL+BB 0.550 0.720 – – – – RTTNLD WACV20 NL+BB 0.610 0.790 0.350 0.350 0.250 0.270 TNL2K-2[3] CVPR21 NL+BB 0.680 0.880 0.510 0.550 0.420 0.420 SNLT[5] CVPR21 NL+BB 0.666 0.804 0.540 0.576 0.276 0.419 VLTTT[3] NeurIPS22 NL+BB 0.764 0.931 0.673 0.721 0.531 0.533 JointNLT CVPR23 NL+BB 0.653 0.856 0.604 0.636 0.569 0.581 BPSVTrack 本文 NL+BB 0.664 0.861 0.621 0.644 0.609 0.632 -
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