SM4-XTS Side Channel Analysis Method Based on Multi-stage CPA
摘要: 带密文挪用的XEX可调分组密码(XTS)被广泛应用于存储加密中,随着大数据计算与新型侧信道分析方法的提出与应用,XTS加密模式的安全性成为一个值得关注的问题。近年来,已有部分研究针对XTS模式进行了侧信道的分析研究,通过确定部分密钥与调整值tweak,进而缩小密钥检索范围,但并没有实现对XTS模式系统的分析。该文提出一种针对SM4-XTS电路的侧信道分析技术,通过结合传统的相关功耗分析(CPA)与多阶段融合的CPA技术,解决了针对调整值模乘迭代导致的二进制数移位问题,从而实现调整值与密钥的精确提取。为了验证这种分析技术的有效性,在FPGA上实现了SM4-XTS加密模块来模拟实际情况中的加密存储器。实验结果表明,在
10000 条功耗曲线下,该技术可以成功提取目标加密电路的部分调整值与密钥。Abstract: The XEX-based Tweaked-codebook mode with ciphertext Stealing (XTS) is widely used in storage encryption. With the emergence and application of big data computing and novel side-channel analysis methods, the security of the XTS encryption mode has become a matter of concern. Recent studies have attempted side-channel analysis on the XTS mode, aiming to narrow down the key search space by identifying partial keys and tweak values, but a comprehensive analysis of the XTS mode system has not been achieved. In this paper, a side-channel analysis technique targeting the SM4-XTS circuit is proposed. By combining traditional Correlation Power Analysis (CPA) with a multi-stage fusion CPA technique, the technique addresses the binary number shifting issue caused by the iterative modulation multiplication of the tweak values, enabling precise extraction of both the tweak values and keys. To validate the effectiveness of this analytical technique, an SM4-XTS encryption module is implemented on an FPGA to simulate real-world encryption memory scenarios. Experimental results demonstrate that the technique can successfully extract partial tweak values and keys from the target encryption circuit using only 10 000 power traces.-
Key words:
- SM4-XTS /
- Side-channel Analysis /
- Block ciphers /
- Correlation Power Analysis (CPA)
1 tweak0后96比特分析
Input: 128-bit PT Output: $ {\text{twea}}{{\text{k}}_0}\left[ {95:0} \right] $ 1: $ {\text{ET}} = {\text{PT}} \oplus {\text{twea}}{{\text{k}}_0} $ 2: $ {X_1} = {\mathrm{{F}}} \_{\mathrm{function}}\left( {{\text{ET}},{\text{r}}{{\text{k}}_1}} \right) $ 3: $ {\bf{PowerTrace1}} = {{\mathrm{HW}}} \left( {{\text{reg\_round1}} \leftarrow \{ {\text{PT}}[95:0],{X_4}\} } \right) $ //采集功耗数据并生成reg_round1保存数据的汉明重量,作为
分析数据集PowerTrace14: $ {\text{twea}}{{\text{k}}_0}\left[ {95:0} \right] = \max ({{\mathrm{correlation}}} ({\bf{PowerTrace1}},{\text{PT}})) $ 2 tweak0前32比特分析
Input: 128-bit $ {\text{P}}{{\text{T}}_0} $ Output: $ {\text{twea}}{{\text{k}}_0}\left[ {127:96} \right] $ 1: $ {\text{E}}{{\text{T}}_0} = {\text{P}}{{\text{T}}_0} \oplus {\text{twea}}{{\text{k}}_0} $ 2: $ {X_{1,0}} = {{\mathrm{F}}} \_{\mathrm{function}}\left( {{\text{E}}{{\text{T}}_0},{\text{r}}{{\text{k}}_1}} \right) $ 3: for i in range(1,32): 4: if ($ {\text{twea}}{{\text{k}}_i}\left[ {127} \right] = = 0 $) then 5: $ {\text{twea}}{{\text{k}}_i} = {\text{twea}}{{\text{k}}_{i - 1}} \lt \lt \lt 1 $ 6: else then 7: $ {\text{twea}}{{\text{k}}_i} = ({\text{twea}}{{\text{k}}_{i - 1}} \lt \lt \lt 1) \oplus {\text{0x}}87 $ 8: if ($ {\text{P}}{{\text{T}}_i}\left[ {127} \right] = = 0 $) then 9: $ {\text{P}}{{\text{T}}_i} = {\text{P}}{{\text{T}}_{i - 1}} \lt \lt \lt 1 $ 10: else then 11: $ {\text{P}}{{\text{T}}_i} = ({\text{P}}{{\text{T}}_{i - 1}} \lt \lt \lt 1) \oplus {\text{0x}}87 $ 12: $ {\text{E}}{{\text{T}}_i} = {\text{P}}{{\text{T}}_i} \oplus {\text{twea}}{{\text{k}}_i} $ 13: $ {X_{1,i}} = {{\mathrm{F}}} \_{\mathrm{function}}\left( {{\text{E}}{{\text{T}}_i},{\text{r}}{{\text{k}}_1}} \right) $ 14: $ {\bf{PowerTrace}}2=\text{HD}(\{{\text{ET}}_{i-1}[95:0],{X}_{1,i\text{-1}}\}, $
$\{{\text{ET}}_{i}[95:0],{X}_{1,i}\}) $//采集功耗数据并生成寄存器内存储值变化的汉明距离,作为分
析数据集PowerTrace215: $ {\text{twea}}{{\text{k}}_0}\left[ {127:96} \right] = \max ({{\mathrm{correlation}}} $
$({\bf{PowerTrace}}2,{\text{PT}})) $3 Key1分析
Input: 128-bit PT Output: $ {\text{Ke}}{{\text{y}}_1} $ 1: $ {\text{ET}} = {\text{PT}} \oplus {\text{twea}}{{\text{k}}_0} $ 2: $ {\bf{PowerTrace}}3 = {{\mathrm{HW}}} ( {\text{Sbox}}\{ {\text{ET}}\left[ {95:64} \right] \oplus {\text{ET}}\left[ {63:32} \right] $
$ \oplus {\text{ET}}\left[ {31:0} \right] \oplus {\text{r}}{{\text{k}}_1}\} ) $//采集功耗数据并生成Sbox输出值的汉明重量,作为分析数据
集PowerTrace33: $ {\bf{grk}} = \max ({{\mathrm{correlation}}} ({\bf{PowerTrace3}},{\text{PT}})) $ //根据数据集计算相关性最大的rk值,作为grk(guess round
key)4: $ {\text{Ke}}{{\text{y}}_1} = Key\_{\exp ^{ - 1}}({\bf{grk}}) $ //由密钥扩展算法的逆映射计算密钥Key1值 -
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