Fault-tolerance-oriented High-level Synthesis Algorithm for Fully Programmable Valve Array Biochips
摘要: 作为新一代流式微流控生物芯片,完全可编程阀门阵列(FPVA)生物芯片具有更高的灵活性和可编程性,已经成为一种流行的生物化学实验平台。然而,由于环境或人为因素,制造过程中通常存在一些物理故障,如通道阻塞和泄漏,这无疑会影响生化检测的结果。此外,高阶综合作为架构综合的首要阶段,其结果的质量直接影响着后续设计的优劣。因此,该文首次研究了FPVA生物芯片高阶综合过程中的容错问题,提出了单元功能转换方法、双向冗余方法、故障映射方法等动态容错技术,为实现高效的容错设计提供了技术保障。通过将这些技术集成到高阶综合设计中,进一步实现了一种高质量的FPVA生物芯片下容错导向的高阶综合算法,包括故障感知的实时绑定策略和故障感知的优先级调度策略,为实现芯片架构的鲁棒性和检测结果的准确性奠定了良好的基础。实验结果显示,所提算法能够得到一个FPVA生物芯片下高质量且容错的高阶综合方案,为后续实现容错物理设计方案提供了有力保障。Abstract: As a new generation of flow-based microfluidics, Fully Programmable Valve Array (FPVA) biochips have become a popular biochemical experimental platform that provide higher flexibility and programmability. Due to environmental and human factors, however, there are usually some physical faults in the manufacturing process such as channel blockage and leakage, which, undoubtedly, can affect the results of bioassays. In addition, as the primary stage of architecture synthesis, high-level synthesis directly affects the quality of sub-sequent design. The fault tolerance problem in the high-level synthesis stage of FPVA biochips is focused on for the first time in this paper, and dynamic fault-tolerant techniques, including a cell function conversion method, a bidirectional redundancy scheme, and a fault mapping method, are presented, providing technical guarantee for realizing efficient fault-tolerant design. By integrating these techniques into the high-level synthesis stage, a high-quality fault-tolerance-oriented high-level synthesis algorithm for FPVA biochips is further realized in this paper, including a fault-aware real-time binding strategy and a fault-aware priority scheduling strategy, which lays a good foundation for the robustness of chip architecture and the correctness of assay outcomes. Experimental results confirm that a high-quality and fault-tolerant high-level synthesis scheme of FPVA biochips can be obtained by the proposed algorithm, providing a strong guarantee for the subsequent realization of a fault-tolerant physical design scheme.
图 2 制造缺陷示例[11]
1 动态容错绑定算法
输入:FPVA单元集$C$,操作集$O$,组件数量为${N_M}$的组件库$M$,物理故障位置${F_i}$(包括合并单元、故障单元及包含故障连接的单元) 输出:一个容错的绑定方案 //初始绑定阶段 for each operation ${O_i}$ of $O$ do Banding(${O_i}$,${M_j}$) = Random(0, ${N_M}$–1);//将操作${O_i}$随机绑定到一个组件${M_j}$ end for for each cell ${C_i}$ of $C$ do if ${C_i}$ == ${F_i}$ then ${C_i}$_state = –1;//标记为不可用单元 Continue; else ${C_i}$_state = 0;//标记为空闲单元 Continue; end if end for //绑定调整阶段 for each module ${M_j}$ of M do for each cell ${C_k}$ of ${M_j}$ do if ${C_k}$_state == –1 then //${C_k}$为不可用单元 Construct_spare_module(${M_j}$);//根据双向冗余技术从空闲单元中选择备用单元 Banding(${O_i}$,${M_j}$); end if if Done(${M_j}$) == True do //组件上的操作已执行完成 ${C_k}$_state = 0; //根据单元功能转换将组件${M_j}$占据单元转换为空闲单元 end if end for end for 2 动态容错调度算法
输入:FPVA单元集$C$, 操作集$O$,操作间的依赖关系,每个操作执行时间$ {t_{\text{e}}}\left( {{O_j}} \right) $,和输入流体,物理故障位置${F_i}$(包括故障单元以及包
含故障连接的单元)输出:一个容错的调度方案 //初始调度顺序生成 for each operation ${O_i}$ of $O$ do ${\text{pri}}\left( {{O_i}} \right) = \displaystyle\sum\nolimits_{{O_j} \in {\text{son}}\left( {{O_i}} \right)} {{t_{\text{e}}}\left( {{O_j}} \right) + {t_{\text{c}}} \times \left| {{\text{son}}\left( {{O_i}} \right) - 1} \right|} $;//计算操作${O_i}$的优先级 end for Sorting($O$);//根据调度优先级由大到小将操作排序 for each cell ${C_i}$ of $C$ do if ${C_i}$ == ${F_i}$ then ${C_i}$_state = –1;//标记为不可用单元 Continue; else ${C_i}$_state = 0;//标记为空闲单元 Continue; end if end for //调度顺序调整 for each operation ${O_i}$ of $O$ do for each fluid ${r_j}$ of ${O_i}$ do for each cell ${C_k}$ of ${r_j}$ do if ${C_k}$_state == –1 then // ${C_k}$为不可用单元 Construct_spare_path(${r_j}$);//根据双向冗余技术从空闲单元中选择备用单元 end if if Reached (${r_j}$) == True do //输入流体已到达目标组件 ${C_k}$_state = 0;//根据单元功能转换将流体${r_j}$占据单元转换为空闲单元 end if end for end for end for 表 1 图3对应的绑定与调度方案
时间(s) 动作 $0$~$ {t_{\text{c}}} $ 分别运输输入流体${r_1}$, ${r_3}$, ${r_5}$到
组件${M_1}$, ${M_2}$, ${M_3}$$ {t_{\text{c}}} $~$2{t_{\text{c}}}$ 分别运输输入流体${r_2}$, ${r_4}$到组件${M_1}$, ${M_2}$ $2{t_{\text{c}}}$~($2{t_{\text{c}}} + 4$) 执行混合操作${O_1}$, ${O_2}$ $\left( {2{t_{\text{c}}} + 4} \right)$~$\left( {3{t_{\text{c}}} + 4} \right)$ 运输${O_1}$, ${O_2}$的混合产物到混合器${M_3}$ $\left( {3{t_{\text{c}}} + 4} \right)$~$\left( {3{t_{\text{c}}} + 8} \right)$ 执行混合操作${O_3}$ 表 2 策略有效性对比结果
测试用例 (输入流体数,输出流体数,
尺寸生物测定完成时间(s) 流体运输路径总长度(mm) 基准算法 本文算法 优化(%) 基准算法 本文算法 优化(%) PCR (8,1,7) $ \times $$8 \times 8$ 14.5 13.8 4.8 56.9 54.4 4.4 IVD1 (12,6,6) $8 \times 8$$ \times $ 7.2 6.5 9.7 84.0 82.3 2.0 IVD2 (18,9,9) $10 \times 10$$ \times $ 8.8 8.4 4.5 174.3 171.3 1.7 ProteinSplit1 (14,2,12) $10 \times 10$$ \times $ 27.4 26.9 1.8 126.4 122.5 3.1 ProteinSplit2 (32,4,23) $13 \times 13$ 35.4 33.8 4.5 491.6 486.6 1.0 Synthetic1 (5,1,4) $8 \times 8$ 13.5 12.8 5.2 37.2 35.8 3.8 Synthetic2 (13,1,12) $10 \times 10$$ \times $ 22.6 21.8 3.5 121.6 116.8 3.9 Synthetic3 (18,1,17) $12 \times 12$ 28.1 27.4 2.5 217.6 210.7 3.2 Synthetic4 (22,1,21) $13 \times 13$ 27.4 26.6 2.9 312.6 305.4 2.3 Synthetic5 (27,1,26) $13 \times 13$ 29.9 28.7 4.0 386.9 377.2 2.5 平均值 4.3 2.8 表 3 与RAS-FT[5]的性能对比结果
测试用例 生物测定完成时间(s) 流体运输路径总长度(mm) 容错成功率(%) RAS-FT[5] 基于本文算法的
架构综合算法优化(%) RAS-FT[5] 基于本文算法的
架构综合算法优化(%) RAS-FT[5] 基于本文算法的
架构综合算法优化 PCR 21.2 13.8 34.9 82.8 54.4 34.3 100.0 53.0 47.0 IVD1 11.5 6.5 43.5 121.9 82.3 32.5 100.0 40.0 60.0 IVD2 14.3 8.4 41.3 239.8 171.3 28.6 100.0 38.0 62.0 ProteinSplit1 38.7 26.9 30.5 173.1 122.5 29.2 100.0 13.0 87.0 ProteinSplit2 50.1 33.8 32.5 732.0 486.6 33.5 100.0 3.0 97.0 Synthetic1 18.1 12.8 29.3 57.1 35.8 37.3 100.0 29.0 71.0 Synthetic2 30.0 21.8 27.3 181.8 116.8 35.8 100.0 25.0 75.0 Synthetic3 36.4 27.4 24.7 327.4 210.7 35.6 100.0 16.0 84.0 Synthetic4 35.8 26.6 25.7 401.6 305.4 24.0 100.0 11.0 89.0 Synthetic5 38.5 28.7 25.5 505.3 377.2 25.4 100.0 8.0 92.0 平均值 31.5 31.6 76.4 -
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