Adaptive Detectors for Mismatched Signal under Sea Clutter Background with Generalized Inverse Gaussian Texture
摘要: 针对雷达对海探测过程中理论导向矢量与实际导向矢量之间不匹配导致的虚警概率升高的问题,该文在复合高斯模型(CGM)下设计自适应失配检测器。为了抑制失配信号,在零假设中引入与理论导向矢量正交的虚拟信号,从而给出存在失配信号的目标检测模型。将CGM的纹理分量建模为广义逆高斯分布,分别基于两步广义似然比(GLRT)和最大后验GLRT(MAP GLRT)准则发展类似于自适应波束形成器正交抑制检测(ABORT)的自适应失配检测器,并通过理论证明所提失配检测器对散斑协方差矩阵和目标多普勒导向矢量具有恒虚警(CFAR)特性。仿真和实测数据实验结果表明,所提失配检测器在导向矢量匹配情况下的检测性能和失配情况下的抗失配性能之间具有良好的折衷。
- 海杂波 /
- 广义逆高斯纹理复合高斯模型 /
- 失配检测 /
- 自适应波束形成器正交抑制检测
Abstract: Considering mismatched problem between theoretical steering vector and actual steering vector causes false-alarm-rate increase in the process of maritime radar detection, the adaptive mismatched detectors are studied under Compound Gaussian Model (CGM). In order to reject mismatched signal, the fictitious signal orthogonal to theoretical steering vector is introduced in the null hypothesis, and a target detection with mismatched signal is given. The texture component of CGM is represented by generalized inverse distribution, and the Adaptive Beamformer Orthogonal Rejection Test (ABORT) is developed based on two-step Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test (GLRT) and Maximum A Posteriori GLRT (MAP GLRT) criterions respectively. Both the proposed detectors are testified to have Constant False AlaRm (CFAR) characteristics for speckle covariance matrix and target doppler steering vector. Experimental results based on simulated and real measured sea clutter data indicate that the proposed mismatched detectors show preferable target detection performance under the matched steering vector condition and anti-mismatch capability under the mismatched steering vector condition. -
表 1 导向矢量匹配时上述检测器检测概率达到$90\% $时所需要的SCR(dB)
检测器类型 ANMF ABORT GIG-GLRT MAP-GLRT α-AMF A-CGGIG AM-GIGIG 信杂比 8.40 7.61 5.70 5.71 5.82 5.80 5.93 表 2 导向矢量匹配时上述检测器检测概率达到$90\% $时所需要的SCR(dB)
检测器类型 ANMF ABORT GIG-GLRT MAP-GLRT α-AMF A-CGGIG AM-GIGIG 信杂比 12.88 12.16 11.34 11.50 11.43 11.37 11.53 -
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