Research on Open-Set Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images Based on Adaptive Pre-Screening
摘要: 开放动态环境下目标类别不断丰富,遥感目标检测问题不能局限于已知类目标的鉴别,还需要对未知类目标做出有效判决。该文设计一种基于自适应预筛选的遥感开集目标检测网络,首先,提出面向目标候选框的自适应预筛选模块,依据筛选出的候选框坐标得到具有丰富语义信息和空间特征的查询传递至解码器。然后,结合原始图像中目标边缘信息提出一种伪标签选取方法,并以开集判决为目的构造损失函数,提高网络对未知新类特征的学习能力。最后,采用MAR20飞机目标识别数据集模拟不同的开放动态遥感目标检测环境,通过广泛的对比实验和消融实验,验证了该文方法能够实现对已知类目标的可靠检测和未知类目标的有效检出。Abstract: In open, dynamic environments where the range of object categories continually expands, the challenge of remote sensing object detection is to detect a known set of object categories while simultaneously identifying unknown objects. To this end, a remote sensing open-set object detection network based on adaptive pre-screening is proposed. Firstly, an adaptive pre-screening module is proposed for object region proposals. Based on the coordinates of the selected region proposals, queries with rich semantic information and spatial features are generated and passed to the decoder. Subsequently, a pseudo-label selection method is devised based on object edge information, and loss functions are constructed with the aim of open set classification to enhance the network’s ability to learn knowledge of unknown classes. Finally, the Military Aircraft Recognition (MAR20) dataset is used to simulate various dynamic environments. Extensive comparative experiments and ablation experiments show that the proposed method can achieve reliable detection of known and unknown objects.
1 基于图像边缘信息的伪标签选取算法
输入:当前迭代$ t $条件下:对应特征图$ \boldsymbol{A} $;经过DDETR匹配机制剩余的预测候选框$ {{\boldsymbol{b}}}_{i}^{{\mathrm{F}}} $;基于图像边缘信息生成的候选框$ {{\boldsymbol{b}}}_{j}^{{\mathrm{E}}} $;损失存储队
列$ {L}_{m} $;微调参数$ {\lambda }_{p} $和$ {\lambda }_{n} $;权重更新迭代次数$ {T}_{w} $;权重值$ {w}_{1} $和$ {w}_{2} $;伪标签个数$ u $输出:当前迭代$ t $条件下:图像的伪标签 1. while train do: 2. 式(1)初步得到基于卷积特征的目标置信度得分$ F\left({{\boldsymbol{b}}}_{i}^{{\mathrm{F}}}\right) $; 3. 式(3)得到基于图像底层边缘信息的目标置信度得分S$ \left({{\boldsymbol{b}}}_{i}^{\mathrm{{E}}}\right) $; 4. if $ t\mathrm{\%}{T}_{w}==0 $ then: 5. 使用式(7)和$ {L}_{m} $计算$ \Delta l $; 6. 使用式(8)计算$ \Delta w $; 7. 使用式(5)更新权重值$ {w}_{1} $和$ {w}_{2} $; 8. end if 9. 使用式(4)得到剩余的预测候选框$ {{\boldsymbol{b}}}_{i}^{{\mathrm{F}}} $的最终目标置信度分数$ {F}_{i}^{{\mathrm{new}}} $; 10. 对$ {F}_{i}^{\mathrm{n}\mathrm{e}\mathrm{w}} $从大到小排序,选取前$ {u} $个候选框标记“未知类”。 表 1 MAR20数据集图像数量分布情况
A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 168 16 150 70 247 31 100 142 146 146 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 A17 A18 A19 A20 86 66 212 252 108 265 173 37 129 130 含多类 1017 总计 3842 表 2 开集目标检测任务
实验编号 未知类 目标类别 训练与测试比例 总计 #已知类+#未知类 已知类 未知类 训练 测试 任务1 0.75 A1~A5 A6~A20 644 161 805 任务2 0.5 A1~A10 A11~A20 736 185 921 任务3 0.25 A1~A15 A16~A20 764 192 956 表 3 网络检测结果对比(%)
任务编号 任务1 任务2 任务3 已知类mAP 未知类召回率 已知类mAP 未知类召回率 已知类mAP 未知类召回率 Faster-RCNN 73.95 – 77.84 – 88.18 – YOLOv3 88.02 – 88.40 – 88.86 – DDETR 84.30 – 87.60 – 88.95 – OW-DETR 82.52 17.66 87.90 29.68 87.66 30.41 CAT 77.40 21.21 83.78 36.09 85.05 53.42 本文算法 89.09 38.67 90.35 47.17 90.38 61.20 表 4 模块验证实验结果(%)
模块 任务1消融实验 任务2消融实验 任务3消融实验 基准
模型自适应预筛选 基于边缘信息的
伪标签选取策略已知类mAP 未知类
召回率已知类mAP 未知类
召回率已知类mAP 未知类
召回率√ 82.52 17.66 87.90 29.68 87.66 30.41 √ √ 89.34 2.43 90.83 5.96 89.74 13.33 √ √ 83.28 45.81 87.54 63.01 87.69 54.80 √ √ √ 89.09 38.67 90.35 47.17 90.38 61.20 -
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