Group Activity Recognition under Multi-scale Sub-group Interaction Relationships
摘要: 群体行为识别旨在识别包含多个个体的群体行为。在现实场景中,群体行为通常可以被视为从群体到子群体再到个人的层次结构。然而,以前的群体行为识别方法主要侧重于对个体之间的关系进行建模,缺乏对子群体之间关系的深度研究。从该角度出发,该文提出一种基于多尺度子群体交互关系(MSIR)的多层次群体行为识别框架。除对个体关系进行建模外,重点关注了子群体之间的多尺度交互特征。具体优化如下:设计子群体划分模块,通过个体外观特征和其空间位置来聚合可能存在关联的个体,再进一步利用语义信息动态地生成不同尺度大小的子群体;设计子群体交互特征提取模块,通过构建不同子群体之间的交互矩阵以及图神经网络的关系推理能力,提取更具判别力的子群体特征。实验结果表明,与现有12种方法在排球数据集和集体活动数据集这两个群体行为识别基准数据集上对比,该文方法都取得最好的性能结果。作为一个易于扩展和优化的群体行为识别框架,该算法在不同数据集上都具有较好的泛化能力。Abstract: Group activity recognition aims to identify behaviors involving multiple individuals. In real-world applications, group behavior is often treated as a hierarchical structure, which consists group, subgroups and individuals. Previous researches have been focused on modeling relationships between individuals, without in-depth relationship analysis between subgroups. Therefore, a novel hierarchical group activity recognition framework based on Multi-scale Sub-group Interaction Relationships (MSIR) is proposed, and an innovative multi-scale interaction features extraction method between subgroups is presented as specified below. A sub-group division module is implemented. It aggregates individuals with potential correlations based on their appearance features and spatial positions, then dynamically generates subgroups of different scales using semantic information. A sub-group interactive feature extraction module is developed to extract more discriminative subgroup features. It constructs interaction matrices between different subgroups and leverages the relational reasoning capabilities of graph neural networks. Compared with existing twelve methods on benchmark datasets for group behavior recognition, including volleyball and collective activity datasets, the methodology of this paper demonstrates superior performance. This research presents an easily extendable and adaptable group activity recognition framework, exhibiting strong generalization capabilities across different datasets.
Key words:
- Activity recognition /
- Group activity /
- Sub-group division /
- Relational reasoning
表 1 排球测试数据集和集体行为测试数据集上不同方法的准确率(%)比较
方法 发表时间 骨干网络 个人行为准确率(排球) 群体行为准确率(排球) 群体行为准确率(集体行为) HRN ECCV2018 VGG16 – 89.1 – ARG CVPR2019 Inception-v3 81.2 92.1 90.5 Pramono等人 ECCV2020 I3D 83.1 95.0 95.2 DIN ICCV2021 VGG16 – 93.6 95.9 COMPOSER ECCV2022 Transformer 86.8 94.2 96.2 VSGNN-PAL Neurocomputing2022 I3D 85.8 94.4 93.2 Wu等人 Sensors2022 I3D 84.1 94.1 92.2 GRAIN IJCAI2022 VGG16 – 94.5 95.2 HSTT ICASSP2023 Inception-v3 83.9 93.7 96.1 Wu等人 TCSVT2023 Inception-v3 – 92.4 85.0 Du等人 TCSVT2023 Inception-v3 – 94.7 95.4 DECOMPL arXiv2023 VGG16 – 93.8 95.5 MSIR (本文) – VGG16 86.8 94.5 96.2 MSIR (本文) – Inception-v3 86.7 95.2 96.4 表 2 子群体划分模块的定向实验比较(%)
策略 具体方法 排球数据集准确率 子群体划分 距离划分 92.1 SDM (本文) 95.2 个体选择 传统选择 95.2 扩张选择 93.5 表 3 子群体尺度的定量实验比较(%)
子群体尺度 个体数目k 排球数据集准确率 集体活动数据集准确率 无 – 90.8 89.4 单尺度 2 93.8 94.9 单尺度 3 91.3 90.2 单尺度 4 91.6 91.3 单尺度 5 92.6 93.5 单尺度 6 92.4 93.2 多尺度 2, 5 95.2 96.4 表 4 SIFEM中不同组件的定量实验比较
变种模型介绍 RAMg RAMr 归一化 稀疏 排球数据集
准确率(%)1 基准模型 90.8 2 RAM为全一矩阵 √ √ 91.5 3 只有RAMg √ √ √ 94.7 4 只有RAMr √ √ √ 91.9 5 无归一化和稀疏化 √ √ 92.7 6 无归一化 √ √ √ 93.6 7 无稀疏化 √ √ √ 94.5 8 完整模型 √ √ √ √ 95.2 -
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