Overview on the Research Status and Development Route of Fully Homomorphic Encryption Technology
摘要: 随着物联网、云计算、人工智能的应用与普及,数据安全与隐私保护成为人们关注的焦点。全同态加密,作为隐私安全问题的有效解决办法,允许对加密数据执行任意同态计算,是一种强大的加密工具,具有广泛的潜在应用。该文总结了自2009年以来提出全同态加密方案,并根据方案的核心技术划分成4条技术路线,分析讨论了各类方案的关键构造,算法优化进程和未来发展方向。首先,全面介绍了全同态加密相关的数学原理,涵盖了全同态加密方案的基础假设和安全特性。随后,按照4条全同态加密方案的技术路线,归纳了加密方案的结构通式,总结了自举算法的核心步骤,讨论了最新研究进展,并在此基础上综合分析比较了各类方案的存储效率及运算速度。最后,展示了同态算法库对每条技术路线下加密方案的应用实现情况,分析了在当前时代背景下全同态加密方案的机遇与挑战,并对未来的研究前景做出了展望。Abstract: With the application and popularization of IoT, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence, data security and privacy protection have become the focus of attention. Fully homomorphic encryption, as an effective solution to the privacy security problem, allows performing arbitrary homomorphic computation on encrypted data, and is a powerful encryption tool with a wide range of potential applications. The paper summarizes the proposed fully homomorphic encryption schemes since 2009, and divides them into four technical routes based on the core technologies of the schemes, analyzes and discusses the key constructs, algorithm optimization processes, and future development directions of each type of scheme. The paper firstly introduces fully homomorphic encryption-related mathematical principles, covering the basic assumptions and security features of fully homomorphic encryption schemes. Subsequently, according to the technical routes of the four fully homomorphic encryption schemes, it summarizes the structural general formulas of the encryption schemes, summarizes the core steps of the bootstrap algorithms, discusses the latest research progress, and on the basis of this, comprehensively analyzes and compares the storage efficiencies and computing speeds of various schemes. The paper finally shows the application implementation of homomorphic algorithm library for encryption schemes under each technical route, analyzes the opportunities and challenges of fully homomorphic encryption schemes in the current era, and makes an outlook on the future research prospects.
Key words:
- Fully Homomorphic Encryption /
- Bootstrapping /
- BGV /
- GSW /
表 1 Andrey Kim团队对BFV和BGV方案的算法优化
BFV BGV 优化效果 $\left\lfloor {\dfrac{q}{t}} \right\rfloor m \to \left\lfloor {\dfrac{{qm}}{t}} \right\rfloor $预计算$qm$ \ 降低初始噪声 将乘法中的模切换步骤置于重线性化之后 \ 降低模切换维数 将BFV的模数分层,乘法之后切换到小模数 \ 减缓噪声增长速度 \ 静态噪声管理 增强方案的实用性 表 2 CKKS 类全同态加密方案自举的不同近似函数及自举精度对比
方案名称 近似函数(方法) 自举精度(bit) CHKKS[31] $ \sin \left( {\dfrac{{2\pi x}}{q}} \right) \approx x\text{mod} q $ 24 LLLK[32] $\left( {\dfrac{{2\pi x}}{q}} \right)\arcsin \left( {\sin \left( {\dfrac{{2\pi x}}{q}} \right)} \right) = x\text{mod} q$ 40.5 JM[33] $\dfrac{q}{{2\pi }}\mathop \sum \limits_{k = 1}^n {\beta _k}{\text{sin}}\left( {\dfrac{{2\pi kx}}{q}} \right) \approx x\text{mod} q$ 44 BCCKK[24] META BTS 255 表 3 4条技术路线全同态加密方案对比
Gentry类 BGV类 GSW类 CKKS类 基础假设 理想格 LWE RLWE (R)LWE RLWE 密文空间 ${\mathbb{Z}_d}$ $\mathbb{Z}_q^n$ $R_q^n$ $\mathbb{Z}_q^{n \times n}$ $R_q^n$ 密文大小 $f\left( \lambda \right)$ $\left( {n + 1} \right)\left\lceil {\log_2 q} \right\rceil $ $2n\left\lceil {\log_2 q} \right\rceil $ ${\left( {n + 1} \right)^2}{\left\lceil {\log_2 q} \right\rceil ^3}$ $2n\left\lceil {\log_2 q} \right\rceil $ 明文空间 ${\mathbb{Z}_2}$ ${\mathbb{Z}_t}$ ${R_t}$ ${\mathbb{Z}_2}$ \ 单个密文存储明文数 1 1 n 1 n 公钥大小 $s \cdot \left\lceil {2\sqrt S } \right\rceil \cdot {\log _2}d$ $2n\left( {n + 1} \right){\log_2}q$ $2n\left\lceil {\log_2 q} \right\rceil $ $2n\left( {n + 1} \right){\log_2}q$ $2n\left\lceil {\log_2 q} \right\rceil $ 是否支持消息打包 \ 否 是 暂不支持 是 是否支持SIMD \ 是 是 暂不支持 是 同态乘法噪声增长速度 ${N^{{{\Omega }}\left( 1 \right)}}$ $O\left( {{n^2}} \right)$ $O\left( {{n^2}} \right)$ $O\left( n \right)$ $O\left( {{n^2}} \right)$ (平均)单比特自举时间 30 min \ 1.3 ms 13 ms 6.43 s 表 4 不同实现库的应用特点对比
实现库名称 实现语言 支持加密方案 自举 特色功能 Helib C++ BGV, CKKS √ 支持HE 汇编语言 SEAL C++ BFV, CKKS √ 跨平台编译 PALISADE C++ BGV, BFV, CKKS, FHEW, TFHE √ 跨平台编译,BGV/BFV/CKKS的多方扩展 TFHE C/C++ GSW, FHEW, TFHE √ 可编程自举 HEAAN C++ CKKS √ GPU加速 NFLlib C++ \ \ 基于NTT的快速格计算 cuFHE C++ TFHE √ CUDA加速 Lattigo Go BGV, BFV, CKKS √ 跨平台编译,剩余数系统(RNS) OpenFHE C++ BGV, BFV, CKKS, FHEW, TFHE √ 剩余数系统(RNS),
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