An RIS assisted Wideband Millimeter Wave SISO-Based Positioning Method
摘要: 针对毫米波定位过程中空间宽带效应产生的影响,该文基于可重构智能超表面(RIS)和单输入单输出(SISO)毫米波系统提出一种新颖的3维(3D)定位估计方法。首先,通过设计RIS相位,利用快速傅里叶逆变换(IFFT)粗略地估计直射路径的视距(LoS)时延、RIS路径的虚拟视距(VLoS)时延以及RIS与用户之间的出发角(AoD)等信道参数。然后,利用拟牛顿法修正上述参数进而估计用户的位置坐标。通过仿真模拟对比了所提宽带估计方法和传统的窄带估计方法的定位性能,结果表明,通过考虑空间宽带效应,带宽为240 MHz时定位精度大约可提高10%,随着带宽增大超过800 MHz时定位性能可提高超过20%。Abstract: For the effects of spatial-wideband effects during millimeter wave positioning, a novel 3-Dimensional (3D) positioning estimation method based on Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface (RIS) and Single Input Single Output (SISO) millimeter wave system is proposed. First, by designing the RIS phase profiles, the channel parameters of the direct Line-of-Sight (LoS) delay, the RIS-aided Virtual Line-of-Sight (VLoS) delay, and the Angle-of-Departure (AoD) between the RIS and the user are coarsely estimated based on the Inverse Fast Fourier Transform (IFFT). Then, the quasi-Newton method is used to refine these parameters and to estimate the location of the user. Simulations are conducted to compare the positioning performance of the proposed spatial-wideband estimation method with that of the traditional narrowband estimation method. The results show that by taking into account the spatial-wideband effects, the positioning accuracy can be improved by approximately 10% for a bandwidth of 480 MHz and by more than 20% as the bandwidth increases beyond 800 MHz.
算法1 基于RIS的毫米波SISO系统定位算法 输入:接收信号${\mathbf{Y}}$ 输出:用户估计位置${\mathbf{\hat u}}$ 1:定义矩阵$ {{\mathbf{Z}}_{\text{b}}} $并利用IFFT估计${\hat k_{\text{b}}}$ 2:粗估计LoS时延${\tilde \tau _{\text{b}}}$ 3:利用拟牛顿法准确估计LoS时延${\hat \tau _{\text{b}}}$ 4:估计LoS复信道增益$ {\hat \rho _{\text{b}}} $ 5:定义矩阵$ {{\mathbf{Z}}_{\text{r}}} $并利用IFFT估计${\hat k_{\text{r}}}$ 6:粗估计VLoS时延$ {\tilde \tau _{\text{r}}} $ 7:利用拟牛顿法准确估计VLoS时延${\hat \tau _{\text{r}}}$ 8:粗估计RIS和用户之间的AoD$ {\tilde {\boldsymbol{\phi}} } $ 9:利用拟牛顿法准确估计AoD$ {\hat {\boldsymbol{\phi}} } $ 10:估计RIS和用户之间的距离$ \hat d $ 11:估计用户位置${\mathbf{\hat u}}$ 表 1 仿真参数设置
参数 值 频率${f_{\text{c}}}$ 30 GHz RIS尺寸大小$L$ $64 \times 64$ 子载波间距${\varDelta _f}$ 240 kHz 符号数目$T$ 120 RIS相位束数目$K$ 12 噪声PSD${N_0}$ $ - 174{\text{ dBm/Hz}}$ 噪声因子 8 dB IFFT维度${N_{\text{F}}}$ 4096 基站位置$ {\boldsymbol{p}} $ $\left( {2,2, - 7} \right)$ RIS位置${\boldsymbol{r}}$ $\left( {0,0,0} \right)$ 用户位置$ {\boldsymbol{u}} $ $\left( { - {\text{5/}}\sqrt {\text{2}} ,{\text{5/}}\sqrt {\text{2}} , - 10} \right)$ -
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