Underwater Bearing-only Passive Target Tracking Method Based on Area of Uncertainty
摘要: 围绕水下被动目标跟踪问题,目前的研究通常以最优估计点迹表征被测目标跟踪状态,而点估计无法表达示向性的位置误差信息,导致无法较好地为实际战场提供决策支持。针对上述问题,该文提出一种基于不确定区域(AOU)的水下纯方位目标跟踪方案。首先,提出一种基于变权解析的定位算法以获得精确的目标位置信息,将目标位置作为AOU构建算法的先验知识。然后,分别通过有无滤波不确定区域构造算法,输出目标位置不确定区域。通过对不同仿真态势下AOU的评估指标进行统计分析,结果表明利用该目标跟踪方案均能对目标实现可靠精确的位置估计,说明该文提出的基于不确定区域的目标跟踪方案能够有效完成目标跟踪任务。该方案优势在于,目标估计结果包含示向性位置误差和区间估计的置信度,为后续决策提供清晰的容错与判断区域,具有更好的参考价值及实用价值。Abstract: Considering the underwater acoustic bearings-only passive localization, the current research usually uses the optimal estimation point trace to represent the tracking state of the measured target, but point estimation cannot express directional position error information, resulting in the inability to provide better decision support for the actual battlefield. In view of the above problems, bearing-only underwater target tracking scheme based on Area Of Uncertainty (AOU) containing spatial error information is proposed. Firstly, localization algorithm based on variable weighting analysis is introduced to obtain accurate target position information. The target position is then used as prior knowledge for the AOU construction algorithm. Subsequently, the algorithms for constructing uncertain regions with and without filtering are employed to output the target's position uncertainty area. By statistically analyzing the evaluation metrics of the AOU under different simulation scenarios, the results demonstrate that the target tracking scheme based on AOU can reliably and accurately estimate the target position. It indicates that the proposed target tracking scheme based on uncertain regions can effectively fulfill the task of target tracking, the advantage of this approach lies that the target estimation results include directional position errors and confidence intervals for interval estimation. this provides clear fault-tolerant and judgment regions for subsequent decision-making, This offers enhanced reference value and practical value.
表 1 旋转角$\beta $的符号确定原则
B A > C A = C A < C B>0 $\beta + {\pi}/2$ $ {\pi}/4 $ $\beta $ B=0 $ {\pi}/2 $ / 0 B<0 $\beta - {\pi}/2$ –$ {\pi}/4 $ $\beta $ 表 2 仿真参数
参数 名称 数值 ${{\boldsymbol{X}}_0}$ 目标初始状态向量 $\left( { - 10,20,0.2, - 0.5} \right)$ ${\sigma _\theta }$ 平台量测误差 $\left( {1^\circ ,2^\circ ,2^\circ ,3^\circ } \right)$ ${X_P}$ 平台位置信息(km) $( - 10,0),(0,0),(10,0),(15,0)$ ${ { {T} }_{ {\text{p} } } }$ 定位采样间隔(s) 1 ${ { {T} }_{ {\text{t} } } }$ 滤波采样间隔(s) 2 $\Delta {\boldsymbol{v}}$ 变向速度状态向量 ${\left( {0.2, - 0.5} \right)_{ {\text{ini} } } } \to {\left( {0.5,0} \right)_{30\;{\text{s} } } } \to {\left( { - 0.1, - 0.3} \right)_{60\;{\text{s} } } }$ 表 3 仿真参数
参数 名称 数值 ${{\boldsymbol{X}}_0}$ 目标初始状态向量 $\left( { - 10,10,0.6,0.2} \right)$ ${\sigma _\theta }$ 平台量测误差 $\left( {3^\circ ,2^\circ ,2^\circ ,1^\circ } \right)$ ${X_P}$ 平台位置信息(km) $( - 10,0),(0,0),(10,0),(15,0)$ ${ { {T} }_{ {\text{p} } } }$ 定位采样间隔(s) 1 ${ { {T} }_{ {\text{t} } } }$ 滤波采样间隔(s) 2 $\Delta {\boldsymbol{v}}$ 变向速度状态向量 ${\left( {0.6,0.2} \right)_{ {\text{ini} } } } \to {\left( {0,0.3} \right)_{30\;{\text{s} } } } \to {\left( {0.3,0.2} \right)_{60\;{\text{s} } } }$ -
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