Active Accelerated Recovery for Extended Chip Lifetime: Opportunities and Challenges
摘要: 新型工艺下芯片集成度的提高和尺寸的缩小导致了器件内部电场和电流密度的不断增加,使得老化问题日趋严重,当前针对老化主要的防护思路依然是采取保护带和预留时序裕量的方式,但该方法会导致过度设计。近年来,多项研究工作从实验的角度证明了芯片的主要老化机制具有一定的可恢复性,恢复过程且可被加速,从而大幅降低设计初期的时序裕量,由此启发了主动加速恢复的设计思路。该文回顾了老化防护的已有设计方法和主动加速恢复的相关进展,分析了主动加速恢复的潜在优势,并讨论了从模型、电路设计以及系统设计等角度进行片上实现所面临的瓶颈问题和相应的解决方法,提出了以感知-主动加速恢复为核心的自适应老化防护设计概念。Abstract: The higher level of integration and smaller feature size in advanced technology nodes have led to increased electrical field and current density, which worsen further the chip aging issues. Current design solutions against aging are still based on guardband or extra timing margins, which can lead to overdesign. In recent years, multiple research work have demonstrated with experiments that several dominating aging effects can be recovered, and this recovery can be further accelerated. The necessary timing margin can be significantly lowered, inspiring the active accelerated recovery design concept. In this paper, current design solutions against aging and the progress that has been made in active accelerated recovery are reviewed. Potential opportunities introduced by this new method have been identified. Based on aspects of modeling, circuit design and system design, design challenges and their potential solutions to enable on-chip implementations are investigated. A concept of adaptive system that is based on sensing and active accelerated recovery has been proposed.
图 11 可用作主动加速恢复的负偏置电压发生器电路原理图(基于文献[16]进行了修改)
图 12 支持供电网络逆向电流的门控电路及其性能评估(基于文献[39]进行了修改)
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