Construction of Negabent Function Based on Trace Function over Finite Field
摘要: Negabent函数是一种具有最优自相关性、较高非线性度的布尔函数,在密码学、编码理论及组合设计中都有着广泛的应用。该文基于有限域上的迹函数,将其与置换多项式相结合,提出两种构造negabent函数的方法。所构造的两类negabent函数均具备${\text{Tr}}_1^k(\lambda {x^{{2^k} + 1}}) + {\text{Tr}}_1^n(ux){\text{Tr}}_1^n(vx) + {\text{Tr}}_1^n(mx){{\rm{Tr}}} _1^n(dx)$形式:构造方法1通过调整$\lambda ,{\text{ }}u,{\text{ }}v,{\text{ }}m$中的3个参数来获得negabent函数,特别地,当$\lambda $≠1时,能得到$({2^{n - 1}} - 2)({2^n} - 1)({2^n} - 4)$个negabent函数;构造方法2通过调整$\lambda ,{\text{ }}u,{\text{ }}v,{\text{ }}m,{\text{ }}d$中的4个参数来获得negabent函数,特别地,当$\lambda$≠1时,至少能够得到${2^{n - 1}}[({2^{n - 1}} - 2)({2^{n - 1}} - 3) + {2^{n - 1}} - 4]$个negabent函数。
- Negabent函数 /
- 迹函数 /
- 置换多项式
Abstract: Negabent function is a Boolean function with optimal autocorrelation and high nonlinearity, which has been widely used in cryptography, coding theory and combination design. In this paper, by combining trace function on a finite field with permutation polynomials, two methods for constructing negabent functions are proposed. Both the two kinds of constructed negabent functions take on such form: ${\text{Tr}}_1^k(\lambda {x^{{2^k} + 1}}) + $$ {\text{Tr}}_1^n(ux){\text{Tr}}_1^n(vx) + {\text{Tr}}_1^n(mx){{\rm{Tr}}} _1^n(dx)$. In the first construction method, negabent functions can be obtained by adjusting the three parameters in $\lambda ,{\text{ }}u,{\text{ }}v,{\text{ }}m$. In particular, when $\lambda \ne 1$, $({2^{n - 1}} - 2)({2^n} - 1)({2^n} - 4)$ negabent functions can be obtained. In the second construction method, negabent functions can be obtained by adjusting the four parameters in $\lambda ,{\text{ }}u,{\text{ }}v,{\text{ }}m,{\text{ }}d$. In particular, when $\lambda \ne 1$, at least ${2^{n - 1}} [({2^{n - 1}} - 2) $$ ({2^{n - 1}} - 3) + {2^{n - 1}} - 4]$ negabent functions can be obtained.-
Key words:
- Negabent function /
- Trace function /
- Permutation polynomial
表 1 不同调参方案所构造函数数量
调整的参数 计数 文献[12] $ u,v $ $({2^{n - 1}} - 2)({2^n} - 1)$ 定理2 $ u,v,m $ $({2^{n - 1}} - 2)({2^n} - 1)({2^n} - 4)$ 定理3 $ u,v,m,d $ $\ge {2^{n - 1} }[({2^{n - 1} } - 2)({2^{n - 1} } - 3) + {2^{n - 1} } - 4]$ 定理3中$\lambda \ne 1$时$\left( {A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J} \right)$不取的10元向量 1100000000 1100000100 1111010001 1100000001 1111110001 1100000101 1111110110 1100000111 1110000000 1110000100 1111001100 1111110000 1111101100 1111100101 1111101111 1111111011 0000000010 1101000001 1111000100 1111100100 1111011101 1111001110 1111101011 1111111010 0000000101 0000000011 1110110101 1111100001 1111011010 1111000110 1111011111 1111110101 0000001101 0000000110 1110101001 1111000010 1111011000 1110101101 1111010101 1111101101 0000010101 0000001110 1110010010 1110111000 1111001111 1110100110 1111001101 1111101001 0000011010 0000010011 1110010001 1110110001 1111000011 1110011011 1111000101 1111100010 0000011101 0000100101 1110001110 1110100111 1110111100 1101011101 1110110011 1111000111 0001000010 0000111010 1110000010 1110100010 1110111001 1101011010 1110101000 1110111101 0001001000 0000111101 1101110111 1110011001 1110110010 1101011001 1110011101 1110110111 0001010000 0001000011 1101000100 1110000001 1110101110 1101010010 1110010110 1110110110 0001100000 0001000110 1100011111 1101110000 1110011100 1101000101 1110001111 1110101111 0001111100 0001001001 1100010010 1101100101 1110001000 1100110111 1110000110 1110000111 0010000010 0001010001 1100000010 1101100010 1110000011 1100101111 1101111111 1101111101 0010000110 0001100100 1011111010 1101000010 1101101011 1100100110 1101101001 1101111011 0010010000 0001101100 1011011100 1100111100 1101011110 1100010100 1101000110 1101111010 0010100001 0001110111 1011010011 1100101011 1101010110 1100001001 1100010110 1101101111 0010101101 0001111101 1011001010 1100100010 1101010000 1011111011 1100000110 1101101101 0010111001 0010000011 1010011110 1100010000 1101000011 1011110101 1011111101 1101101010 0011000000 0010101111 1010011100 1100001000 1100110010 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