Research on Dispersion Strategy for Multiple Unmanned Ground Vehicles Based on Auction Multi-agent Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient
摘要: 多无人车(multi-UGV)分散在军事作战任务中应用非常广泛,现有方法较为复杂,规划时间较长,且适用性不强。针对此问题,该文提出一种基于拍卖多智能体深度确定性策略梯度(AU-MADDPG)算法的多无人车分散策略。在单无人车模型的基础上,建立基于深度强化学习的多无人车分散模型。对MADDPG结构进行优化,采用拍卖算法计算总路径最短时各无人车所对应的分散点,降低分散点分配的随机性,结合MADDPG算法规划路径,提高训练效率及运行效率;优化奖励函数,考虑训练过程中及结束两个阶段,全面考虑约束,将多约束问题转化为奖励函数设计问题,实现奖励函数最大化。仿真结果表明:与传统MADDPG算法相比,所提算法在训练时间上缩短了3.96%,路径总长度减少14.50%,解决分散问题时更为有效,可作为此类问题的通用解决方案。Abstract: Multiple Unmanned Ground Vehicle (multi-UGV) dispersion is commonly used in military combat missions. The existing conventional methods of dispersion are complex, long time-consuming, and have limited applicability. To address these problems, a multi-UGV dispersion strategy is proposed based on the AUction Multi-Agent Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (AU-MADDPG) algorithm. Founded on the single unmanned vehicle model, the multi-UGV dispersion model is established based on deep reinforcement learning. Then, the MADDPG structure is optimized, and the auction algorithm is used to calculate the dispersion points corresponding to each unmanned vehicle when the absolute path is shortest to reduce the randomness of dispersion points allocation. Plan the path according to the MADDPG algorithm to improve training efficiency and running efficiency. The reward function is optimized by taking into account both during and the end of training process to consider the constraints comprehensively. The multi-constraint problem is converted into the reward function design problem to realize maximization of the reward f unction. The simulation results show that, compared with the traditional MADDPG algorithms, the proposed algorithm has a 3.96% reduction in training time-consuming and a 14.5% reduction in total path length, which is more effective in solving the decentralized problems, and can be used as a general solution for dispersion problems.
Key words:
- Path planning /
- Deep reinforcement learning /
- Multi-UGVs /
- Dispersion strategy /
- Auction algorithm
表 1 AU-MADDPG算法参数设置
参数 值 经验池大小M 1000 actor学习率la 0.01 critic学习率lc 0.01 最小批学习数N 32 迭代总次数E 105 每次迭代的最大步数T 25 网络更新率τ 0.01 运行采样时间δt (s) 0.1 表 2 测试100次路径长度对比
MADQN MADDPG AU-MADDPG 无障碍环境 总长度 545.272 240.915 205.959 最长路径 13.284 5.482 5.618 最短路径 1.883 0.138 0.220 越野
环境总长度 602.498 285.717 258.436 最长路径 13.875 5.836 5.661 最短路径 2.132 0.299 0.282 城市
环境总长度 692.331 346.120 288.96 最长路径 15.062 7.053 6.915 最短路径 2.125 0.526 0.469 表 3 算法耗时对比
环境训练迭代40000次(s) 14548.709 8417.064 8083.574 测试100次(s) 45.626 6.441 6.324 越野
环境训练迭代40000次(s) 15129.661 8852.918 8366.883 测试100次(s) 50.770 7.397 6.935 城市
环境训练迭代40000次(s) 14998.758 8997.201 8401.293 测试100次(s) 51.215 7.459 7.061 表 4 MADDPG单方面优化性能
优化奖励函数 引入拍卖算法 训练迭代40000次 耗时(s) 8151.701 8305.227 平均奖励 –310.411 –382.506 测试100次 耗时(s) 6.353 6.409 总长度 235.881 210.680 表 5 遗传算法测试结果
迭代次数 耗时(s) 总路径 最短路径 最长路径 100 64.323 395.670 0.352 10.557 -
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