Research on Underwater Target Localization Algorithm Considering the Uncertainty of Anchor Position
摘要: 考虑时钟异步和声波分层效应的影响,该文研究了当测量过程受到未知噪声干扰,且锚节点位置不确定时水下目标节点的定位问题。首先构造了水下节点间飞行时间模型,设计了一种交互式异步通信协议,建立了最小化定位误差的优化目标函数。然后提出了一种基于深度强化学习的水下目标定位算法,并采用层归一化来改进深度神经网络,进一步提高模型的泛化能力。最后,仿真和实验结果验证所提方法的有效性。Abstract: Considering the effects of an asynchronous clock and acoustic stratification, the localization problem of an underwater target node was studied when the measurement process was disrupted by unknown noise and the anchor position was uncertain. The time of flight model between underwater nodes is constructed, an interactive asynchronous communication protocol is designed, and an optimization objective function to minimize the localization error is established. An underwater target localization algorithm based on deep reinforcement learning is proposed, and layer normalization is used to improve the generalization ability of the model. Finally, simulation and experimental results validate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
表 1 超参数设置
参数 名称 数值 $\gamma $ 折扣因子 0.99 $\lambda $ 学习率 0.003 $\chi $ 软更新系数 0.01 ${N_{\text{e}}}$ 最大回合数 1000 $ {N_{\text{s}}} $ 最大步数 400 ${N_{ \mathcal{D}}}$ 经验池容量 100000 ${n_{\text{b}}}$ 批量数据的大小 128 -
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