Power Allocation Method Based on Overlapping Visibility Region in Extra Large Scale MIMO System
摘要: 该文解决了超大规模多输入多输出(MIMO)系统中不同用户的可视区域(VR)存在相互交叠时的下行功率分配问题。考虑单个基站服务多个单天线用户的超大规模MIMO通信场景,由于基站配备的阵列较大,各个用户受障碍物遮挡仅能与基站部分天线进行通信,这部分天线即为各用户的可视区域。该文考虑不同用户的可视区域分布两两交叠,并依此划分子阵,并在各子阵上进行规则化迫零预编码以降低复杂度。接着基于大维随机矩阵理论,推导了系统下行遍历和速率的确定性近似表达式。然后,通过最大化该表达式,给出了基于统计信道状态信息的最优用户功率分配方法的闭式解。最后,仿真结果表明,和速率近似表达式的精度很高,所提功率分配方法能有效提高系统性能。Abstract: In an extra large scale Multiple-Input Multiple-Output(MIMO) system where the Visibility Regions(VR) of different users are overlapping, the ergodic sum-rate is maximized by designing power allocation. Specifically, one base station equipped with an extra large scale array serves multiple users equipped with single-antenna, and their VRs are overlapped with adjacent users’. To reduce the inter-users interference and precoding complexity, the base station array is divided into several subarrays by the VR distributions, and then the regularized zero forcing precoding is employed for different subarray respectively. Furthermore, by exploiting the statistical channel state information, an approximation of the ergodic sum-rate is derived based on the large-dimensional random matrix theory. Based on the approximations, an optimal power allocation solution for different users is given in closed-form. Simulations illustrate that the proposed approximation fits the ergodic results well, and the proposed power allocation method can effectively improve system performances.
表 1 仿真参数设置[11]
参数 天线数$ M $ 用户数$ K $ 阵列长$ L $ 参考损耗$ {\beta _0} $ 损耗因子$ \mathcal{K} $ VR长度$ D $ 实验次数 数值 256 31 30 m $ {10^{ - 3.53}} $ 3 16 $ {10^4} $ -
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