A Routing Algorithm on Low Earth Orbit Mega-constellation Network with Iincremental Deployment of Terahertz Links
摘要: 太赫兹通信作为6G研究的关键技术之一,将在下一代巨型近地轨道(LEO)星座网络中与其他频段链路共存,在这样增量部署太赫兹的巨型LEO星座网络中,星间链路扭曲窗口期的路径次优问题将变得更加明显,现有的路由算法仅依赖于最短时延路径难以解决这个问题。为此该文提出一种增量部署太赫兹链路的时空图建模,以及考虑弯管转发和星间链路相结合的自适应选择路由算法(ATLS)。在Hypatia网络模拟器中的测试表明,与已有的路由方式相比,ATLS路由能够将任务完成时间降低了17.14%,端到端时延降低16.67%。
- 巨型近地轨道星座网络 /
- 太赫兹通信 /
- 增量部署 /
- 时空图 /
- 路由算法
Abstract: Terahertz communication, as one of the key technologies of 6G research, will coexist with other frequency band links in the next generation of Low Earth Orbit (LEO) mega-constellation network. In such LEO mega-constellation network with incremental deployment of terahertz, the path suboptimization problem when the inter-satellite links are distorted will become more obvious, and the existing routing algorithm only based on the shortest delay path can not solve this problem. The modeling of space-time graph for incremental deployment of terahertz links is proposed and the routing algorithm for Adaptive Transmission Link Selection (ATLS) with combination of bent-pipe and inter-satellite link is considered. Simulation result of the proposed ATLS routing algorithm in the Hypatia network simulator show that compared with the existing methods, ATLS routing algorithm reduces task completion time and end-to-end latency by 17.14% and by 16.67%, respectively. -
表 1 实验参数设置
参数名称 值 参数名称 值 时间间隔$ \tau $ 100 ms 太赫兹天线发射功率 1 W 卫星轨道数 72 太赫兹天线等效噪声温度 0.01 K 每轨卫星数 22 Ka天线频率 27.0 GHz 轨道倾斜角 53.7° Ka天线发射功率 1 W 每星固定天线数 4 存储/转发的单元能耗$ {\mathit{\delta }}_{\mathit{s}} $ $ {10}^{-6} $ kJ 每星机动天线数 4 地面站发送/接收节点数 100 每星GSL数 1 地面中继节点数 196 单星存储容量 200 MB 流量平均大小 100 MB 单星电池容量 50 kW·h 每节点对流数量 100 太赫兹天线频率 0.145 THz 拥塞控制算法 TCP Cubic -
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