Provably Secure Distributed Efficient Edge Authentication Protocol with Anonymity in Internet of Vehicles
摘要: 针对当前车联网(IoV)中的分布式认证协议直接依赖于半可信路边单元(RSU)的问题,该文提出一种新的分布式认证模型。该模型中的RSU通过3阶段广播自发建立边缘认证区,利用区域内的RSU同步保存车辆的认证记录,RSU可以通过校验节点同步保存的认证记录来防止恶意RSU的异常认证行为。然后,利用切比雪夫混沌映射设计了IoV中的分布式匿名认证协议,通过车辆发送消息不直接携带身份信息的方式来避免假名机制所带来的存储负担。最后,利用随机预言机对协议安全性进行了证明。仿真结果表明所提方案具有更低的认证时延和通信成本。Abstract: Considering the problem that the current distributed authentication protocols in the Internet of Vehicles (IoV) directly depend on semi-trusted Road Side Units (RSU), a new distributed authentication model is proposed. The RSUs in this model establish automatically the edge authentication area through a three-stage broadcast, and these RSUs in the area save synchronously the vehicle certification records. RSU can prevent abnormal authentication behavior of malicious RSU by verifying the authentication records saved synchronously by nodes. Then, a distributed anonymous authentication protocol in IoV is designed by using Chebyshev chaotic mapping, to avoid the storage burden caused by the pseudonym mechanism, the vehicle sends messages without directly carrying identity information. Finally, the security of the protocol is proved by using random oracle. The simulation results show that the proposed scheme has lower authentication delay and communication cost.
Key words:
- Internet of Vehicles (IoV) /
- Distributed authentication /
- Chaotic mapping /
- Random oracle
表 1 认证时延对比(ms)
方案 用户端 边缘服务器端 文献[11] ${\text{5} }{ { {T} }_{\text{h} } }{\text{ + } }{ { {T} }_{\text{e} } }{\text{ + 4} }{ { {T} }_{ {\text{mul} } } } \approx 0.418\;8$ ${\text{4} }{ { {T} }_{\text{h} } }{\text{ + 2} }{ { {T} }_{\text{e} } }{\text{ + 4} }{ { {T} }_{\text{p} } }{\text{ + 2} }{ { {T} }_{ {\text{mul} } } } \approx 5.497\;6$ 文献[12] ${\text{7} }{ { {T} }_{\text{h} } }{\text{ + 2} }{ { {T} }_{\text{e} } }{\text{ + 2} }{ { {T} }_{\text{p} } }{\text{ + 4} }{ { {T} }_{ {\text{mul} } } } \approx 3.116\;2$ ${\text{5} }{ { {T} }_{\text{h} } }{\text{ + 2} }{ { {T} }_{\text{e} } }{\text{ + 4} }{ { {T} }_{\text{p} } }{\text{ + 3} }{ { {T} }_{ {\text{mul} } } } \approx 5.557\;0$ 文献[13] ${\text{5} }{ { {T} }_{\text{h} } }{\text{ + } }{ { {T} }_{\text{e} } }{\text{ + 4} }{ { {T} }_{ {\text{mul} } } } \approx 0.418\;8$ ${\text{5} }{ { {T} }_{\text{h} } }{\text{ + } }{ { {T} }_{\text{p} } }{\text{ + 6} }{ { {T} }_{ {\text{mul} } } } \approx 1.602\;5$ 文献[7] ${\text{10} }{ { {T} }_{\text{h} } }{\text{ + 30} }{ { {T} }_{ {\text{mul} } } } \approx 1.622\;0$ ${\text{5} }{ { {T} }_{\text{h} } }{\text{ + 7} }{ { {T} }_{ {\text{mul} } } } \approx 0.399\;8$ 本文 ${\text{2} }{ { {T} }_{\text{h} } }{\text{ + 8} }{ { {T} }_{ {\text{chev} } } } \approx 0.284\;8$ ${\text{2} }{ { {T} }_{\text{h} } }{\text{ + 6} }{ { {T} }_{ {\text{chev} } } } \approx 0.217\;6$ 表 2 通信轮数及通信开销对比
方案 通信轮数 通信开销(bit) 文献[11] 4 $3|{ { {W} }_{ {\text{mul} } } }| + |{ { {W} }_{\text{p} } }| + |{ { {W} }_{\text{H} } }| + |{ { {W} }_{ {\text{ID} } } }| = 4\;608$ 文献[12] 4 $4|{ { {W} }_{ {\text{mul} } } }| + |{ { {W} }_{\text{p} } }{\text{|} } + |{ { {W} }_{\text{H} } }| + |{ { {W} }_{ {\text{ID} } } }| = 5\;632$ 文献[13] 2 $4|{ { {W} }_{ {\text{mul} } } }| + 2|{ { {W} }_{\text{T} } }| + 2|{ { {W} }_{ { {\text{Z} }_{\text{q} } } }}| + |{ { {W} }_{ {\text{ID} } } }| = 4\;736$ 文献[7] 2 $2|{ { {W} }_{ {\text{mul} } } }| + 2|{ { {W} }_{\text{T} } }| + 4|{ { {W} }_{ {\text{ID} } } }| + 2|{ { {W} }_{\text{R} } }| = 3\;392$ 本文 3 $7|{ { {W} }_{ {\text{chev} } } }| = 3\;360$ -
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