1T1M Reconfigurable Array Structure Based on Memristor
摘要: 忆阻器(Memristor)或者阻变存储器(ReRAM)是一种具有存储和计算功能的新型非易失性存储器(NVM),可以用作存算一体(PIM)的非冯·诺依曼计算机体系架构的基础器件。针对可重构阵列处理器数据计算速度和存储速度不匹配的问题,该文采用电压阈值自适应忆阻器(VTEAM)模型,经过凌力尔特通用模拟电路仿真器(LTSPICE)仿真验证,可以实现布尔逻辑完备集。在此基础上,设计了一种1T1M忆阻器交叉阵列,具有结构简单、可重构性和高并行性的特点,利用蒙特卡罗(MC)法进行容差分析,计算精度达到0.998。该阵列与现有的先进阵列相比,能有效提升芯片的性能,降低处理延迟与能耗,可以与可重构阵列处理器结合以应对“存储墙”问题。Abstract: Memristor or Resistive Random Access Memory (ReRAM) is a novel Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) with storage and computing functions, and it is the basic device of non-Von Neumann computer architecture which is Processing In Memory (PIM). To solve the speed mismatch problem between computing speed and storage of reconfigurable array processor, the model of Voltage ThrEshold Adaptive Memristor (VTEAM) is adopted. And through the simulation of Linear Technology Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis (LTSPICE), the complete set of Boolean logic is realized. On this basis, a 1T1M memristor cross array is designed, which has the characteristics of simple structure, reconfiguration and high parallelism. Monte Carlo (MC) method is used for tolerance analysis, and the calculation accuracy had reached 0.998. Compared with the existing advanced array, the performance of this array is improved effectively, the processing delay and energy consumption are reduced, and this array can be combined with the reconfigurable array processor to deal with the “memory wall” problem.
Key words:
- Processing In Memory (PIM) /
- Memristor /
- Array /
- Reconfigurable
表 1 忆阻器VTEAM模型参数
参数 β Vth Rinit Ron Roff 数值 e13 ±0.8 V 10 kΩ 160 Ω 11 kΩ 表 2 NMOS具体参数
参数 Vds Rds Qgate 数值 12 V 0.003 Ω 3.6e-8 C 表 3 逻辑运算单元比较
表 4 1×4阵列、4×1阵列电路性能
阵列 输入值 输出值 功能 1×4 4 1 叠加 4×1 4 1 AND -
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