High Energy Efficient Perfect Gaussian Integer Sequence Design Based on Second Order Cyclotomic Classes
摘要: 完备高斯整数序列(PGIS)因其良好的抗干扰性、高传输率和频谱利用率,如今已被广泛应用于码分复用(CDM)系统和正交频分复用(OFDM)系统。该文将高斯整数序列(GIS)分解成实部序列和虚部序列,再通过对实部序列和虚部序列2阶分圆构造出2阶和3阶的PGIS,并提出一种新的将奇数长PGIS扩展成偶数长PGIS的方法,该文构造出的多数PGIS能量效率高于95%,扩大了扩频通信系统的地址选择空间,对于工程实践具有重要意义。Abstract: Perfect Gaussian Integer Sequence (PGIS) has been widely used in Code Division Multiplexing (CDM) systems and Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) systems because of its good anti-interference, high transmission rate and high frequency spectrum utilization. In this paper, Gaussian Integer Sequence (GIS) is decomposed into real part sequence and imaginary part sequence, and then second-order and third-order PGIS are constructed by second-order cyclotomy of real part sequence and imaginary part sequence. A new method of extending odd length PGIS to even length PGIS is proposed. The energy efficiency of most PGIS constructed in this paper is higher than 95%, and expands the address selection space of spread spectrum communication system, which is of great significance to engineering practice.
表 1 PGIS的能量效率比较
文献 定理 长度 电平数 能量效率(%) 构造实例 文献[6] 定理1 13 3 50.3 例2 定理1 19 3 70.8 例1 文献[7] 定理4 19 3 70.8 例1 定理5 19 2 68.4 例3 文献[11] 定理1 19 2 91.3 表1(行6) 19 3 80.4 表1(行7) 19 3 90.0 表1(行8) 本文 定理1 13 3 98.3 $\begin{gathered} (19,{\text{ } } - 8 - {\rm{j} }20,{\text{ } } - 8 + {\rm{j} }20,{\text{ } } - 8 - {\rm{j} }20,{\text{ } } - 8 - {\rm{j} }20,{\text{ } } - 8 + {\rm{j} }20,{\text{ } } - 8 + {\rm{j} }20,{\text{ } } \\ - 8 + {\rm{j} }20,{\text{ } } - 8 + {\rm{j} }20,{\text{ } } - 8 - {\rm{j} }20,{\text{ } } - 8 - {\rm{j} }20,{\text{ } } - 8 + {\rm{j} }20,{\text{ } } - 8 - {\rm{j} }20) \\ \end{gathered}$ 19 2 99.2 $\begin{gathered} (9 + {\rm{j} }11,{\text{ } }9 + {\rm{j} }11,{\text{ } } - 13 - {\rm{j} }6,{\text{ } } - 13 - {\rm{j} }6,{\text{ } }9 + {\rm{j} }11,{\text{ } }9 + {\rm{j} }11,{\text{ } }9 + {\rm{j} }11,{\text{ } } \\ 9 + {\rm{j} }11,{\text{ } } - 13 - {\rm{j} }6,{\text{ } }9 + {\rm{j} }11,{\text{ } } - 13 - {\rm{j} }6,{\text{ } }9 + {\rm{j} }11,{\text{ } } - 13 - {\rm{j} }6,{\text{ } } - 13 - {\rm{j} }6,{\text{ } } \\ - 13 - {\rm{j} }6,{\text{ } } - 13 - {\rm{j} }6,{\text{ } }9 + {\rm{j} }11,{\text{ } }9 + {\rm{j} }11,{\text{ } } - 13 - {\rm{j} }6) \\ \end{gathered}$ 19 2 99.2 $\begin{gathered} ( - 20 - {\rm{j} }2,{\text{ } }19 - {\rm{j} }7,{\text{ } } - 20 - {\rm{j} }2,{\text{ } } - 20 - {\rm{j} }2,{\text{ } }19 - {\rm{j} }7,{\text{ } }19 - {\rm{j} }7,{\text{ } }19 - {\rm{j} }7,{\text{ } } \\ 19 - {\rm{j} }7,{\text{ } } - 20 - {\rm{j} }2,{\text{ } }19 - {\rm{j} }7,{\text{ } } - 20 - {\rm{j} }2,{\text{ } }19 - {\rm{j} }7,{\text{ } } - 20 - {\rm{j} }2,{\text{ } } - 20 - {\rm{j} }2, \\ - 20 - {\rm{j} }2,{\text{ } } - 20 - {\rm{j} }2,{\text{ } }19 - {\rm{j} }7,{\text{ } }19 - {\rm{j} }7,{\text{ } } - 20 - {\rm{j} }2) \\ \end{gathered}$ 19 2 99.6 $\begin{gathered} ( - 18 - {\rm{j} }2,{\text{ } } - 18 - {\rm{j} }2,{\text{ } }17 - {\rm{j} }6,{\text{ } }17 - {\rm{j} }6,{\text{ } } - 18 - {\rm{j} }2,{\text{ } } - 18 - {\rm{j} }2,{\text{ } } - 18 - {\rm{j} }2,{\text{ } } \\ - 18 - {\rm{j} }2,{\text{ } }17 - {\rm{j} }6,{\text{ } } - 18 - {\rm{j} }2,{\text{ } }17 - {\rm{j} }6,{\text{ } } - 18 - {\rm{j} }2,{\text{ } }17 - {\rm{j} }6,{\text{ } }17 - {\rm{j} }6, \\ 17 - {\rm{j} }6,{\text{ } }17 - {\rm{j} }6,{\text{ } } - 18 - {\rm{j} }2,{\text{ } } - 18 - {\rm{j} }2,{\text{ } }17 - {\rm{j} }6) \\ \end{gathered}$ 表 2 PGIS扩展前后的能量效率比较
长度 能量效率(%) 实例 原序列 3 99.9 $(4 - {\rm{j} }15,11 + {\rm{j} }11,11 + {\rm{j} }11)$ $a = 1,b = - 1$ 6 99.9 $( - 19 - {\rm{j} }11,22,{\rm{j} }22, - 11 + {\rm{j} }19,{\rm{j} }22,22)$ $a = 2,b = 2$ 6 99.9 $(38 + {\rm{j} }22,44, - {\rm{j} }44{\rm{j} }, - 22 + {\rm{j} }38, - {\rm{j} }44,44)$ -
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