Character-level Adversarial Samples Generation Approach for Chinese Text Classification
摘要: 对抗样本生成是一种通过添加较小扰动信息,使得神经网络产生误判的技术,可用于检测文本分类模型的鲁棒性。目前,中文领域对抗样本生成方法主要有繁体字和同音字替换等,这些方法都存在对抗样本扰动幅度大,生成对抗样本质量不高的问题。针对这些问题,该文提出一种字符级对抗样本生成方法(PGAS),通过对多音字进行替换可以在较小扰动下生成高质量的对抗样本。首先,构建多音字字典,对多音字进行标注;然后对输入文本进行多音字替换;最后在黑盒模式下进行对抗样本攻击实验。实验在多种情感分类数据集上,针对多种最新的分类模型验证了该方法的有效性。Abstract: Adversarial sample generation is a technique that makes the neural network produce misjudgments by adding small disturbance information. Which can be used to detect the robustness of text classification models. At present, the methods of sample generation in the Chinese domain include mainly traditional characters and homophones substitution, which have the problems of large disturbance amplitude of sample generation and low quality of sample generation. Polyphonic characters Generation Adversarial Sample (PGAS), a character-level countermeasure samples generation approach, is proposed in this paper. Which can generate high-quality adversarial samples with minor disturbance by replacing polyphonic characters. First, a polyphonic word dictionary to label polyphonic words is constructed. Then, the input text with polyphonic words is replaced. Finally, an adversarial sample attack experiment in the black-box model is conducted. Experiments on multiple sentiment classification datasets verify the effectiveness of the proposed method for a variety of the latest classification models.
表 1 实验数据集
项目 酒店评论数据 微博评论数据 商品评论数据 任务类型 情感倾向性分类 情感倾向性分类 情感倾向性分类 分类数目 2 2 2 训练集(条) 4120 70000 42130 测试集(条) 1766 30000 18056 多音字数量(个) 2556952 7391456 6585441 表 2 在酒店评论数据集上的对比试验结果(%)
测试模型 无修改 对比方法 本文方法 WordHandling CWordAttacker DeepWordBug FastWordBug PGAS 准确率 准确率 降低幅度 准确率 降低幅度 准确率 降低幅度 准确率 降低幅度 准确率 降低幅度 SVM 76.35 72.19 4.16 71.03 5.32 69.18 7.17 70.15 6.20 52.36 23.99 LSTM 83.21 76.25 6.96 74.29 8.92 72.51 10.70 75.22 7.99 62.17 21.04 MemNet 77.12 70.31 6.81 72.59 4.53 70.15 6.97 69.19 7.93 58.63 18.49 IAN 86.31 81.25 5.06 83.26 3.05 78.32 7.99 78.29 8.02 64.92 21.39 AOA 79.91 71.26 8.65 73.29 6.62 68.25 11.66 70.53 9.38 60.15 19.76 AEN-GloVe 86.32 79.81 6.51 81.07 5.25 77.16 9.16 80.09 6.23 68.37 17.95 LSTM+SynATT 88.61 83.59 5.02 82.56 6.05 78.39 10.22 81.37 7.24 61.84 26.77 TD-GAT 78.36 72.20 6.16 73.21 5.15 72.19 6.17 71.24 7.12 60.23 18.13 ASGCN 82.97 77.18 5.79 77.41 5.56 71.05 11.92 73.08 9.89 61.08 21.89 CNN 82.36 74.21 8.15 76.38 5.98 69.91 12.45 69.51 12.85 59.39 22.97 pos-ACNN-CNN 76.28 70.15 6.13 72.53 3.75 68.25 8.03 66.19 10.09 58.18 18.10 表 3 在微博评论数据集上的对比试验结果(%)
测试模型 无修改 对比方法 本文方法 WordHandling CWordAttacker DeepWordBug FastWordBug PGAS 准确率 准确率 降低幅度 准确率 降低幅度 准确率 降低幅度 准确率 降低幅度 准确率 降低幅度 SVM 74.25 68.32 5.93 69.04 5.21 66.03 8.22 63.51 10.74 53.21 21.04 LSTM 79.66 72.58 7.08 71.22 8.44 68.25 11.41 69.79 9.87 59.74 19.92 MemNet 73.28 66.82 6.46 65.39 7.89 64.51 8.77 59.21 14.07 54.09 19.19 IAN 80.39 74.41 5.98 76.28 4.11 73.28 7.11 74.07 6.32 59.74 20.65 AOA 77.21 68.25 8.96 63.05 14.16 62.89 14.32 64.19 13.02 53.66 23.55 AEN-GloVe 85.31 74.29 11.02 73.08 12.23 74.85 10.46 76.28 9.03 66.23 19.08 LSTM+SynATT 89.07 72.14 16.93 75.44 13.63 77.60 11.47 81.18 7.89 67.04 22.03 TD-GAT 83.06 76.33 6.73 73.98 9.08 72.56 10.50 74.61 8.45 54.39 28.67 ASGCN 80.17 69.19 10.98 71.04 9.13 69.04 11.13 62.88 17.29 56.18 23.99 CNN 76.33 68.38 7.95 66.37 9.96 69.71 6.62 69.44 6.89 57.20 19.13 pos-ACNN-CNN 70.94 61.25 9.69 59.37 11.57 61.43 9.51 60.07 10.87 59.33 11.61 表 4 在商品评论数据集上的对比试验结果(%)
测试模型 无修改 对比方法 本文方法 WordHandling CWordAttacker DeepWordBug FastWordBug PGAS 准确率 准确率 降低幅度 准确率 降低幅度 准确率 降低幅度 准确率 降低幅度 准确率 降低幅度 SVM 73.28 64.21 9.07 66.07 7.21 63.19 10.09 65.03 8.25 54.64 18.64 LSTM 77.04 69.07 7.97 67.45 9.59 68.17 8.87 68.29 8.75 53.21 23.83 MemNet 82.36 73.85 8.51 71.04 11.32 73.22 9.14 72.94 9.42 63.02 19.34 IAN 74.07 62.25 11.82 66.38 7.69 65.31 8.76 65.83 8.24 56.41 17.66 AOA 78.25 69.44 8.81 68.51 9.74 67.14 11.11 68.07 10.18 54.20 24.05 AEN-GloVe 81.33 70.03 11.30 73.09 8.24 70.25 11.08 72.55 8.78 55.97 25.36 LSTM+SynATT 85.60 76.49 9.11 78.21 7.39 73.21 12.39 74.54 11.06 61.08 24.52 TD-GAT 84.92 72.17 12.75 75.60 9.32 75.09 9.83 74.60 10.32 62.04 22.88 ASGCN 83.64 76.05 7.59 79.03 4.61 74.32 9.32 76.59 7.05 64.29 19.35 CNN 75.91 63.21 12.70 64.24 11.67 65.39 10.52 65.02 10.89 59.31 16.60 pos-ACNN-CNN 86.49 72.71 13.78 77.30 9.19 79.02 7.47 72.74 13.75 68.03 18.46 表 5 不同实验方法生成对抗样本数量的WMD和IMD分布情况(条)
项目 值 对比方法 本文方法 WordHandling CWordAttacker DeepWordBug FastWordBug PGAS WMD 0-0.2 21 36 12 7 2000 0.2-0.4 623 380 272 253 0 0.4-0.6 860 789 325 397 0 0.6-0.8 256 473 531 529 0 0.8-1 240 266 860 814 0 IMD 0-0.2 1630 1368 1409 1091 364 0.2-0.4 341 269 468 680 1352 0.4-0.6 29 182 90 197 235 0.6-0.8 0 181 33 25 49 0.8-1 0 0 0 7 0 -
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