Design of Wideband High-gain Circularly-polarized Antenna Based on Partially Polarization-conversion Surface and Partially Reflection Surface
摘要: 该文介绍了一种具有部分极化转换与部分反射功能的超表面结构,并将其应用到具有宽带高增益性能的圆极化法布里-珀罗(Fabry-Perot, F-P)谐振腔天线设计中。所设计的超表面在反射地板存在时能够表现出反射型部分极化转换功能从而用于F-P天线的圆极化源设计,而当反射地板被移除时其具有部分反射功能因而能够作为F-P天线的部分反射表面。通过在部分极化转换表面上方放置矩形贴片并加载寄生贴片与部分反射表面,辐射源贴片的线极化辐射能够被转变为高增益圆极化辐射,并且天线的阻抗带宽与轴比带宽均得到加强。所设计的天线经过仿真、加工与测试,测试结果表明其阻抗与轴比带宽分别为6.8~8.4 GHz (21.3%)和6.8~8.3 GHz (19.9%),峰值增益达10.5 dBi。
- 电磁超表面 /
- 宽带圆极化天线 /
- 法布里-珀罗谐振腔天线 /
- 极化转换表面 /
- 部分反射表面
Abstract: This paper presents an electromagnetic metasurface structure with partially polarization-conversion and partially reflection functions and its application to the Fabry-Perot (F-P) cavity antenna design with wideband, high-gain and Circularly Polarized (CP) features. On one hand, when the metasurface is backed by a reflection ground, it is able to show the partially polarization-conversion function and can be applied to the design of the CP radiation source of the F-P antenna. On the other hand, when the reflection ground is removed, the metasurface exhibits partially reflection performance, and thus it can be used as the Partially Reflection Surface (PRS). By placing a rectangle patch upon the Partially Polarization-Conversion Surface (PPCS) and loading parasitic patches and the PRS, the linearly-polarized radiation from the source patch can be transformed into the CP radiation. In addition, the impedance and Axial Ratio (AR) bandwidths of the antenna are both enhanced. The designed antenna is simulated, fabricated and measured. Measured results indicate that the impedance and AR bandwidths are 6.8 ~ 8.4 GHz (21.3%) and 6.8 ~ 8.3 GHz (19.9%), respectively. Besides, the peak realized gain reaches 10.5 dBi. -
表 1 部分极化转换表面与部分反射表面的单元结构参数(mm)
参数 数值 参数 数值 参数 数值 参数 数值 Dc 8 L1 6.7 L2 1.8 R0 1.0 R2 3.2 t 3.0 Ws 0.1 R1 2.4 表 2 所设计的圆极化F-P天线的最终结构参数(mm)
参数 数值 参数 数值 参数 数值 参数 数值 参数 数值 D0 48.0 D1 2.5 D2 2.3 Dc 8.0 Df 2.5 L1 8.0 L2 5.5 L3 4.0 t0 14.0 t1 3.0 t2 0.508 t3 3.0 W1 7.0 W2 5.0 W3 4.0 表 3 所设计及已报道文献中基于线极化源的圆极化F-P天线性能对比
文献 馈源类型 极化转换类型 阻抗带宽(GHz) 轴比带宽(GHz) 峰值增益(dBi) 口径效率(%) 剖面高度 [21] 同轴背馈贴片 反射型/完全转换 14.75~15.2 (3%) 13.8~15.2 (9%) 19.1 13.2 0.524λ0 [22] 缝隙耦合贴片 透射型/部分转换 9.78~10.26 (5.7%) 9.7~10.35 (6.5%) 17.8 53.3 0.36λ0 [28] 波导腔辐射器 透射型/完全转换 9.78~10.26 (4.8%) 9.7~10.35 (6.5%) 16.5 48.8 1.7λ0 [29] 同轴背馈贴片 反射型/完全转换 12.9~13.8 (6.8%) 13.3~14.2 (6.5%) 12.4 28.5 0.36λ0 [30] 同轴背馈贴片 透射型/部分转换 10.5~10.78 (2.6%) 10.65~10.74 (0.8%) 10.2 11.7 0.6λ0 本文 同轴背馈贴片 反射型/部分转换 6.2~8.4 (21.3%) 6.8~8.3 (19.9%) 10.5 60.4 0.51λ0 *λ0表示的是中心频点的自由空间波长 -
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