Physical Layer Security Algorithm of Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-assisted Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Communication System Based on Reinforcement Learning
摘要: 该文从物理层安全的角度出发研究了智能超表面(RIS)辅助的无人机(UAV) 3D轨迹优化。具体地说,当RIS辅助的UAV向地面用户进行无线传输时,通过联合优化RIS相移和UAV的3D轨迹来最大化物理层安全速率。然而,由于目标函数是非凸的,传统的优化技术很难直接求解。深度强化学习能够处理无线通信中动态复杂的优化问题,该文基于强化学习双深度Q网络(DDQN)设计一种联合优化RIS相移和无人机3D轨迹算法,最大化可实现的平均安全速率。仿真结果表明,所设计的RIS辅助UAV通信优化算法可以获得比固定飞行高度的连续凸逼近算法(SCA)、随机相移下的RIS算法和没有RIS的算法有更高的安全速率。Abstract: In this paper, the optimization problem of the 3D trajectory for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) assisted by Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface (RIS) in physical layer security is studied. Specifically, when the RIS assisted UAV transmits wirelessly information to the ground user, the physical layer security rate is maximized by jointly optimizing the RIS phase shift and the UAV's 3D trajectory. However, because the objective function is non convex, the traditional optimization technology is difficult to solve it directly. The dynamic and complex optimization problems in wireless communication can be solved by deep reinforcement learning. Based on reinforcement learning Double Deep Q Network (DDQN), a joint optimization algorithm of RIS phase shift and UAV 3D trajectory is designed in this paper to maximize the achievable average safety rate. The simulation results show that the designed RIS assisted UAV communication optimization algorithm can obtain higher safety rate than the Successive Convex Approximation (SCA) algorithm with fixed flight altitude, RIS algorithm with random phase shift and algorithm without RIS.
表 1 联合优化UAV轨迹和RIS相移算法(算法1)
初始化RIS辅助UAV安全通信环境, 时隙数T, 经验回放池D, 当前网络参数$ \theta $, 目标网络参数$ {\theta ^ - } $; for episode = 1:E 获得$ {s^1} $; for $ t $= 1:T 通过$ \varepsilon $-贪婪算法,在状态${s^{{t} } }$下选取动作${a^{{t} } }$; if UAV 超出服务区域或者速度超出最大值; 动作不再执行,并且UAV将会得到惩罚; end 执行动作${a^{{t} } }$,调整UAV的轨迹,得到奖励${r^{{t} } }$和${s^{ {{t + 1} } } }$; 将${\text{(} }{s^{{t} } },{a^{{t} } },{r^{{t} } },{s^{ {{t + 1} } } })$ 收集到经验回放池; ${s^{{t} } } = {s^{ {{t + 1} } } }$; end 计算RIS最优相移${\theta _{ {{nt} } } }{\text{ = (} }2{\pi }/\lambda )(n - 1)d(\phi _{{t} }^{ {\text{ur} } } - \phi _{{m} }^{ {\text{rm} } })$; 从经验池中选择一批数据${\text{(} }{s^{{t} } },{a^{{t} } },{r^{{t} } },{s^{ {{t + 1} } } })$; 通过式(18)计算目标Q值; 通过式(19)最小化损失函数; 通过式(20)对每个K步更新目标网络; end 表 2 仿真参数设置
参数 值 服务区域, 小区个数C 1000 m × 1000 m, 10000 用户M, 时隙T, 回合E 6, 3000, 300 带宽B, UAV功率 P, 噪声值$ \sigma $ 2 MHz, 5 mW, –169 dBm/Hz $ {\tau _{\min }} $, $ {\tau _{\max }} $, N, $ {\theta _i}[1] $ 1 s, 3 s, 100, 0° $ V_{\max }^h $, $V_{ {\text{max} } }^{{v} }$,任务Dk 10 m/s,10 m/s, 512~1024 kb 飞行高度$ h_0^u $, $ {h_{\min }} $, $ {h_{\max }} $ 100 m, 30 m, 100 m 折扣因子 $ \gamma $ 0.9 阻塞参数a, b 9.61, 0.16 -
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