Endogenous Security Mechanism of Vehicle Network Based on Dynamic Heterogeneous Redundancy
摘要: 针对车载网络通信报文容易被捕获重放的问题,该文提出一种基于动态异构冗余(DHR)架构的车载网络内生安全机制(ESM-VN)。首先,对车载网络重放攻击进行建模分析,总结重放攻击依赖的车载网络特征;然后结合网络空间内生安全理论,设计车载网络通信报文动态异构冗余的实现机制,通过拟态裁决和负反馈机制实现攻击感知与主动防御的协调统一。实验结果表明,相比于传统车载网络防御方法,该文所提机制能够在至少降低50%报文响应时延的同时,有效提高车载网络对重放攻击的防御能力。Abstract: To address the problem that in-vehicle cyber communication messages are easily captured, an Endogenous Security Mechanism for in-Vehicle Networks (ESM-VN) based on Dynamic Heterogeneous Redundancy (DHR) architecture is proposed. Firstly, the model of vehicle in network replay attack is analyzed, the network characteristics of replay attack are summarized. Then, the implementation mechanism of DHR of vehicle network communication message is designed by using the theory of network space endogenous security to realize the coordination and unification of attack perception and active defense through dynamic adjudication and negative feedback mechanism. Analysis and simulation results show that compared with the traditional in-vehicle network defense method, the proposed mechanism can reduce the response delay by at least 50% and improve effectively the defense capability of in-vehicle network against replay attack.
表 1 单节点占用空间对比(Byte)
ECU数量(个) 20 100 文献[15] 835.1 3519 ESM-VN 1523 5451 表 2 全节点空间对比(Byte)
防御机制 20个ECU占用空间 100个ECU占用空间 文献[15] 16354 350178 ESM-VN 31157 543134 -
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