Research on Passive Millimeter-wave Stealth Technology Based on Active Cancellation for Armored Target
摘要: 目前,被动毫米波探测与制导技术已对装甲目标产生了极大的威胁。为提高装甲目标在未来战场的生存能力,该文提出一种基于有源对消的新型毫米波隐身方法。该方法通过装甲目标车载毫米波干扰机发射低功率噪声来降低目标与不同实战背景的辐射温度差,使得末敏弹毫米波辐射计无法探测识别出目标,从而实现其被动隐身功能。与传统基于外形、材料的无源隐身方法相比,该方法不仅可防护不同实战背景下的多种类型目标,还具有布设机动性强、工程实现简单等优点。最后实验结果表明:该方法可使实战环境下装甲目标对其正上方
$ {90^\circ} $ 立体空域内Ka波段、W波段末敏弹辐射计的隐身效能分别达到–20~–8 dB, –15~–8 dB,并且隐身效能较无源隐身方法也有一定的提升。Abstract: Armored target is currently great threatened by passive millimeter wave detection and guidance technology. An active cancellation millimeter-wave stealth method is proposed for enhancing the survivability of armored target in the future battlefield. By means of the low power noise from the millimeter wave jammer on armored target, the radiation temperature difference between target and background in practice is reduced. And then, the millimeter-wave radiometer in terminal-sensitive projectile could not detect and identify armored target so as to realize its passive stealth function. Compared to the traditional passive stealth methods based on shape and material, the proposed method can not only protect various types of targets under different backgrounds in action, but also has the advantages of strong mobility and simple engineering implementation. Finally, the experimental results demonstrate stealthy capability of armored target to Ka-band and W-band terminal-sensitive projectile radiometers above its 90° three-dimensional space can achieve –20~–8 dB and –15~–8 dB respectively, which it is also improved compared with the passive stealth methods. -
表 1 几种典型物质的辐射率
物质 W波段 Ka波段 金属(装甲目标) 0 0 水 0.63 0.63 干沙 0.83 0.86 沥青 0.98 0.98 草地 1.00 1.00 混凝土 0.92 0.92 表 2 干扰机发射功率理论设置值
背景 装甲目标与背景的辐射温度差$ \Delta {T_A} $(K) Ka波段干扰信号 W波段干扰信号 带宽(GHz) 功率(dBm) 带宽(GHz) 功率(dBm) 草地 170~230 10 –10.57~–9.26 10 –2.05~–0.74 砂石地 120~150 –12.09~–11.12 –3.57~–2.6 表 3 实验所用辐射计主要性能参数
名称 Ka波段辐射计 W波段辐射计 带宽(GHz) 4 4 灵敏度(K) 0.4 0.39 积分时间(ms) 0.19 0.21 射频增益(dB) 49 52 检波器效率(V/W) 8000 4500 视频放大器频带(Hz) 1790 1620 视频放大器增益(dB) 39 43 辐射计转速(r/s) 4 4 表 4 草地背景下装甲目标被动隐身实验结果
方位角(°) 探测角(°) W波段 Ka波段 U1 (mV) U2 (mV) 隐身效能(dB) U1 (mV) U2 (mV) 隐身效能(dB) 0 0 359.9 20.1 –12.53 1729.6 145.2 –10.76 15 359.9 20.2 –12.51 1729.6 –230.1 –8.76 30 359.9 10.9 –15.19 1729.6 212.6 –9.10 45 359.9 14.1 –14.07 1729.6 200.5 –9.36 90 0 359.9 –15.4 –13.69 1729.6 18.0 –19.83 15 359.9 22.6 –12.02 1729.6 –199.2 –9.39 30 359.9 53.4 –8.29 1729.6 178.6 –9.86 45 359.9 45.2 –9.01 1729.6 20.3 –19.30 180 0 359.9 17.2 –13.21 1729.6 –215.9 –9.04 15 359.9 –18.3 –12.94 1729.6 181.2 –9.80 30 359.9 43.7 –9.16 1729.6 105.7 –12.14 45 359.9 –22.6 –12.02 1729.6 173.2 –9.99 270 0 359.9 28.6 –11.00 1729.6 –238.4 –8.61 15 359.9 –19.2 –12.73 1729.6 207.9 –9.20 30 359.9 19.4 –12.68 1729.6 267.0 –8.11 45 359.9 17.4 –13.16 1729.6 231.1 –8.74 表 5 砂石地背景下装甲目标被动隐身实验结果
方位角(°) 探测角(°) W波段 Ka波段 U1 (mV) U2 (mV) 隐身效能(dB) U1 (mV) U2 (mV) 隐身效能(dB) 0 0 174.3 10.2 –12.33 838.3 135.2 –7.92 15 174.3 20.2 –9.36 838.3 30.1 –14.45 30 174.3 –10.9 –12.04 838.3 112.6 –8.72 45 174.3 –14.1 –10.92 838.3 100.5 –9.21 90 0 174.3 15.4 –10.54 838.3 18.0 –16.68 15 174.3 22.6 –8.87 838.3 –88.2 –9.78 30 174.3 28.1 –7.93 838.3 122.0 –8.37 45 174.3 –23.5 –8.70 838.3 –20.3 –16.16 180 0 174.3 17.2 –10.06 838.3 114.3 –8.65 15 174.3 18.3 –9.79 838.3 103.6 –9.08 30 174.3 13.7 –11.05 838.3 105.7 –8.99 45 174.3 22.6 –8.87 838.3 –36.7 –13.59 270 0 174.3 21.3 –9.13 838.3 –22.5 –15.71 15 174.3 19.2 –9.58 838.3 107.9 –8.90 30 174.3 –19.4 –9.53 838.3 112.0 –8.74 45 174.3 17.4 –10.01 838.3 131.1 –8.06 -
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