Predict the ISUP Grade of Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma Using Pathological Images Based on sECANet Chanel Attention
摘要: 为了对肾透明细胞癌(ccRCC)进行准确核分级以改善肾癌的治疗和预后,该文提出一种新的通道注意力模块sECANet,通过计算特征图中当前通道与临近通道以及当前通道与远距离通道之间的信息交互来获取更多有用的特征。实验中收集了90例患者的肾组织病理图像,进行裁切和增强后采用五折交叉验证法对改进后的网络在Patch级别进行验证。实验结果表明,该文所提出的模型在Patch级别上鉴别ISUP分级的准确率为78.48±3.17%,精确率为79.95±4.37%,召回率为78.43±2.44%,F1分数为78.51±3.04%。进一步地,对每个病例所有Patch的预测结果采用多数投票法得到Image级别的分类结果,所有病例的准确率为88.89%,精确率为89.88%,召回率为87.65%,F1分数为88.51%。因此,sECANet在Patch级别和Image级别上均优于其他注意力机制和基本网络模型ResNet50。据此,该文所构建的病理图像ccRCC ISUP分级模型有良好的诊断效能,可以为患者的治疗和预后提供一定的参考。Abstract: In order to determine accurately International Society for Urology and Pathology (ISUP) grade of clear cell Renal Cell Carcinoma (ccRCC) and achieve subsequently better treatment and prognosis, a novel channel attention mechanism named sECANet is proposed. To obtain more useful features from the feature map, sECANet calculates the information interaction of the current channel and local channels, and calculates additionally the interaction of the current channel and remote channels. A total of 90 pathological images are collected and subsequently cut into patches. After data augmentation, 5-fold cross-validation is employed to verify the improved network at the patch level. The experiment results show that the proposed model achieves 78.48±3.17% accuracy, 79.95±4.37% precision, 78.43±2.44% recall and 78.51±3.04% F1-score for ccRCC grading at the patch level. Furthermore, for the prediction of all patches in each patient case, the majority voting method is used to obtain the overall classification of the image level. The accuracy, precision, recall and F1-score of the proposed model at the image level are 88.89%, 89.88%, 87.65%, and 88.51%, respectively. In conclusion, the improved network with sECANet outperforms other attention mechanisms and the baseline model of ResNet50 at both patch level and image level. Therefore, the model of ccRCC ISUP grade established in this paper has relatively high diagnostic efficiency, and can even provide a certain reference for the treatment and prognosis for ccRCC patients.
Key words:
- Clear cell renal cell carcinoma /
- ISUP grade /
- Pathological images /
- Deep learning /
- Attention mechanism
表 1 No.U090KI01组织芯片的临床信息
项目 特征 数量 年龄(岁) ≤50 33 51~70 49 >70 8 性别 男性 28 女性 62 ISUP等级 ISUP 1级 38 ISUP 2级 25 ISUP 3级 17 正常 10 Stage分期 Ⅰ期 59 Ⅱ期 19 Ⅲ期 2 TNM分期 T1N0M0 59 T2N0M0 19 T3N0M0 2 发病位置 左肾癌 10 右肾癌 8 未标明 62 表 2 融合不同注意力模块的ResNet50模型在Patch级别的分类性能(%)对比
方法 Acc Pre Rec F1 ResNet50 76.57±4.38 78.26±5.49 76.18±4.49 76.67±4.46 ResNet50+SeNet 77.64±3.42 78.92±4.74 77.69±3.03 77.39±3.51 ResNet50+ECANet 77.27±3.90 79.78±5.03 77.82±3.76 78.01±3.87 本文ResNet50+sECANet 78.48±3.17 79.95±4.37 78.43±2.44 78.51±3.04 表 3 融合不同注意力模块的ResNet50模型在Image级别的分类性能(%)对比
方法 Acc Pre Rec F1 ResNet50 85.56 85.7 84.52 84.46 ResNet50+SeNet 85.56 84.72 84.52 84.36 ResNet50+ECANet 86.67 88.59 85.99 86.99 ResNet50+sECANet(Ours) 88.89 89.88 87.65 88.51 表 4 不同网络在Patch级别的分类性能(%)对比
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