Multiple Robots Localization Based on the Fusion of Ultra-Wideband Array and Odometry
摘要: 精准的相对定位是实现多机器人协作与编队控制的关键。在弱全球定位系统(GPS)的室内环境中,视觉或激光雷达(LiDAR)通过特征匹配的方式确定机器人间相对位置,但在非视距环境下难以工作。针对这一问题,该文提出一种基于多超宽带(UWB)节点的移动机器人相对定位方法。首先,利用每个机器人携带的多个UWB节点构成UWB阵列,通过非线性优化实现移动机器人间相对姿态估计。为进一步提升估计精度,利用里程计对非线性优化结果进行约束,通过图优化算法对滑动窗口内的相对位姿与里程计进行优化,保证了算法的实时性。然而,图优化过程中难以确定相对位姿估计的误差,对定位结果影响较大。因此,利用粒子滤波融合里程计和滑动窗口优化后的相对位姿,进一步提升相对姿态估计的精度。实验结果表明,该方法在12×6 m的室内环境中,能够达到0.312 m的平均定位误差以及4.903°平均角度误差,且具有良好的实时性。Abstract: An accurate relative localization is critical for multiple robots to realize collaboration and formation control. Visual or Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR)-based approaches use feature matching to determine the relative pose between robots in indoor environments with Global Positioning System (GPS)-denied, but which is challenging in non-line-of-sight environment. To solve this problem, a relative positioning approach of mobile robots based on multiple Ultra WideBand (UWB) nodes is proposed. First, multiple UWB nodes carried by mobile robot are used to form UWB array, and the relative pose estimation between robots is realized through nonlinear optimization algorithm. To improve further the localization accuracy, the results of non-linear optimization are constrained through odometry measurements. In addition, in order to meet the real-time requirement, the relative pose and the odometry in the sliding window are optimized through the graph optimization algorithm. However, the uncertainty of the relative pose from the non-linear optimization is not known, thus it will affect the optimization accuracy. Therefore, this paper uses particle filtering to integrate the odometry and relative pose from sliding window to improve further the accuracy. The experimental results show that the proposed approach provides an average positioning error of 0.312 m and orientation error of 4.903° in an indoor environment with a size of 12×6 m, and has good real-time performance.
表 1 实验1:不同估计方法在不同的UWB节点配置下,位置误差以及角度误差的评估结果
估计方法 UWB节点距离配置 0.3 m 0.5 m 0.7 m 位置误差(m) 角度误差(º) 位置误差(m) 角度误差(º) 位置误差(m) 角度误差(º) 里程计 0.96±0.43 10.01±4.54 0.79±0.32 6.27±3.54 0.62±0.23 3.71±2.38 非线性优化(仅UWB) 0.48±0.26 7.57±5.57 0.39±0.24 5.27±4.34 0.37±0.22 5.05±3.63 滑动窗口(w=5) 0.42±0.18 7.02±5.53 0.35±0.17 4.77±4.15 0.33±0.18 4.69±3.95 滑动窗口(w=30) 0.38±0.14 4.46±2.24 0.33±0.13 3.75±2.36 0.32±0.13 3.19±2.63 滑动窗口(w=80) 0.33±0.11 2.99±2.33 0.30±0.10 2.55±2.06 0.30±0.12 2.35±2.56 滑动窗口(w=160) 0.37±0.18 3.49±1.86 0.30±0.14 2.91±1.76 0.31±0.15 3.09±2.34 粒子滤波(UWB距离+里程计)[22] 0.35±0.20 5.31±3.91 0.49±0.23 6.26±3.84 0.35±0.22 4.84±3.12 粒子滤波(滑动窗口+里程计) 0.25±0.10 2.91±2.76 0.22±0.10 2.70±2.27 0.25±0.09 2.02±1.47 表 2 实验2:不同估计方法在w=30及UWB间距0.5 m情况下评估结果
估计方法 位置误差(m) 角度误差(º) 里程计 1.466 22.076 非线性优化(仅UWB) 0.528 7.413 滑动窗口(w=30) 0.424 5.648 粒子滤波(UWB距离+里程计)[22] 0.534 7.234 粒子滤波(滑动窗口+里程计) 0.312 4.903 -
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