A Virtual Network Function Migration Algorithm Based on Federated Learning Prediction of Resource Requirements
摘要: 针对网络切片场景下时变网络流量引起的虚拟网络功能(VNF)迁移问题,该文提出一种基于联邦学习的双向门控循环单元(FedBi-GRU)资源需求预测的VNF迁移算法。该算法首先建立系统能耗和负载均衡的VNF迁移模型,然后提出一种基于分布式联邦学习框架协作训练预测模型,并在此框架的基础上设计基于在线训练的双向门控循环单元(Bi-GRU)算法预测VNF的资源需求。基于资源预测结果,联合系统能耗优化和负载均衡,提出一种分布式近端策略优化(DPPO)的迁移算法提前制定VNF迁移策略。仿真结果表明,两种算法的结合有效地降低了网络系统能耗并保证负载均衡。Abstract: In order to solve the problem of virtual network function migration caused by time-varying network traffic in network slicing, a Virtual Network Function (VNF) migration algorithm based on Federated learning with Bidirectional Gate Recurrent Units (FedBi-GRU) prediction of resource requirements is proposed. Firstly, a VNF migration model of system energy consumption and load balancing is established, and then a framework based on distributed federated learning is introduced to cooperatively train the predictive model. Secondly, considering predicting the resource requirements of VNF, an online training Bidirectional Gate Recurrent Unit (Bi-GRU) algorithm on the basis of the framework is designed. Finally, on the grounds of the resource prediction results, system energy consumption optimization and load balancing are combined, and a Distributed Proximal Policy Optimization (DPPO) migration algorithm is proposed to formulate a VNF migration strategy in advance. The simulation results show that the combination of the two algorithms reduces effectively the energy consumption of the network system and ensures the load balance.
Key words:
- Virtual Network Function(VNF) /
- Prediction /
- Migration /
- Deep reinforcement learning
表 1 基于DDPO的VNF迁移算法
输入:VNF的资源需求预测结果$ {r_{t + 1}} = \{ r_{t + 1}^{\text{C}},r_{t + 1}^{\text{M}},r_{t + 1}^{\text{B}}\} $,物理网络图$ {G^{\text{P}}} = ({N^{\text{P}}},{L^{\text{P}}}) $,SFC网络图$ G_i^{\text{V}} = (N_i^{\text{V}},L_i^{\text{V}}) $ 输出:VNF映射策略$ \pi $ (1) 根据VNF的资源需求预测结果,计算各个物理节点的资源利用率${\eta _{\rm{R}}}$ (2) if ${\eta _{\rm{R} } } \le \eta _{\rm{R} }^{\text{d} }\& \& {\eta _{\rm{R} } } \ge \eta _{\rm{R}}^{ {\text{up} } }$ then (3) 初始化全局参数$ ({\theta _{\text{c}}},{\theta _{\text{a}}}) $,局部参数$ (\theta _{\text{c}}^n,\theta _{\text{a}}^n) $,全局PPO网络最大迭代次数$ {K_{{\text{max}}}} $,局部PPO网络最大迭代次数$ M $,线程数$ N $,学习率
$ ({\varepsilon _{\text{c}}},{\varepsilon _{\text{a}}}) $(4) for ${\text{thread} } = 1, 2,\cdots ,N$ do (5) for ${\text{episode} } = 1,2, \cdots ,M$ do (6) 从本地Actor网络的策略$ \pi ({s_n}(t)\left| {{a_n}(t),\theta _{\text{a}}^n} \right.) $中选取映射动作$ a(t) $ (7) if $ {\eta _1} \in (\eta _1^{\text{d}},\eta _1^{{\text{up}}})\& \& {\eta _2} \in (\eta _2^{\text{d}},\eta _2^{{\text{up}}})\& \& {\eta _3} \in (\eta _3^{\text{d}},\eta _3^{{\text{up}}})\& \& T \le {T_{{\text{tot}}}} $ then (8) 执行动作$ a(t) $,根据式(16)得到瞬时奖励$ r(t) $,并转移到状态$ s(t + 1) $ (9) 从本地Actor网络获得优势函数$ A({s_n}(t),{a_n}(t)) $ (10) else (11) 式(16)瞬时奖励$ r(t) = - {1 \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {1 \varepsilon }} \right. } \varepsilon } $,从本地${\rm{Actor}}$网络重新选取动作$ a(t) $ (12) end if (13) end for (14) 根据式(24)更新全局PPO的Critic网络累计梯度$ \Delta {\theta _{\text{c}}} $ (15) 根据式(26)更新全局PPO的Actor网络累计梯度$ \Delta {\theta _{\text{a}}} $ (16) 将$ \Delta {\theta _{\text{c}}} $和$ \Delta {\theta _a} $推送至全局PPO网络进行异步更新 (17) $ {\theta _{\text{c}}} \leftarrow {\theta _{\text{c}}} + {\varepsilon _{\text{c}}}\Delta {\theta _{\text{c}}} $,$ {\theta _{\text{a}}} \leftarrow {\theta _{\text{a}}} + {\varepsilon _{\text{a}}}\Delta {\theta _{\text{a}}} $ (18) end for (19) 同步全局PPO网络参数至本地PPO网络参数:$ \theta _{\text{c}}^{n'} = {\theta _{\text{c}}} $, $ \theta {_{\text{a}}^{n'}} = \theta _{\text{a}}^{} $ (20) 继续执行步骤4—步骤17 (21) until $ K \ge {K_{{\text{max}}}} $ (22) end if 表 2 仿真参数
仿真参数 描述 取值 $ {N^{\text{P}}} $ 物理节点数量 22 $ P_n^{\text{b}} $ 物理节点待机能耗 Uniform[100,150](W) $ P_n^{{\text{cpu}}} $ 物理节点CPU满载能耗 Uniform[250,300](W) $ P_m^{\text{s}} $ 物理节点状态切换能耗 Uniform[15,25](W) $ {C_n} $ 物理节点CPU资源容量 Uniform[200,300](units) $ {M_n} $ 物理节点存储资源容量 Uniform[300,400](Mbps) $ {B_{nm}} $ 物理链路$ {l_{nm}} $带宽容量 Uniform[80,100](Mbps) $ F $ SFC集合数量 30个 $ N_i^{\text{V}} $ VNF集合长度 Uniform[3,5](个) $ {T_{{\text{tot}}}} $ SFC端到端时延限制 30 ms -
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