Small-Data Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar Object Recognition Based on Gaussian Prototypical Network
摘要: 针对现有基于深度卷积神经网络(DCNNs)的逆合成孔径雷达(ISAR)目标识别方法在训练样本不足时性能下降甚至失效等问题,该文提出基于高斯原型网络(GPN)的小样本ISAR目标识别方法。该方法通过嵌入网络将ISAR像映射为嵌入向量,进而根据加权嵌入向量构建高斯原型,最终根据测试样本到原型的马氏距离预测目标类别。3类飞机目标实测数据的识别结果表明,该方法在小样本条件下可获得更高的平均识别精度。Abstract: Considering the issue of performance degradation or even failure of the available Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar (ISAR) object recognition methods based on Deep Convolution Neural Networks (DCNNs) with insufficient training samples, a small- data ISAR object recognition method based on Gaussian Prototypical Network (GPN) is proposed. Firstly, ISAR images are maped into embedding vectors by the embedding network, and then Gaussian prototypes are constructed according to the weighted embedding vectors. Finally, the object category is output according to the Mahalanobis distance from the test samples to all prototypes. Recognition results of the three different types of aircraft show that the proposed method can obtain higher average recognition accuracy under small-data scenarios.
表 1 PN与GPN识别结果对比
成像积累角 模型 类型 测试准确率(%) 标准差 均值 最大值 最小值 3° PN 1-shot 73.55 89.14 55.06 0.0772 5-shot 89.95 95.69 73.33 0.0299 GPN 1-shot 74.31 89.51 45.69 0.0894 5-shot 92.52 97.65 77.25 0.0219 4° PN 1-shot 75.74 91.01 49.81 0.0831 5-shot 90.56 98.43 72.55 0.0423 GPN 1-shot 77.05 89.89 55.81 0.0836 5-shot 92.82 98.43 83.14 0.0274 5° PN 1-shot 69.52 90.26 47.94 0.0819 5-shot 87.36 94.51 72.94 0.0343 GPN 1-shot 70.09 82.77 43.82 0.0801 5-shot 91.99 97.25 76.08 0.0295 表 2 小样本条件下传统DCNN与GPN识别结果对比(%)
模型 1-shot 5-shot DCNN (Layer=6) 45.69 68.24 GPN (3°) 74.31 92.52 GPN (4°) 77.05 92.82 GPN (5°) 70.09 91.99 -
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