Associative Memory Circuit Based on Memristor with The Ebbinghaus Forgetting Rule
摘要: 忆阻器由于具有低功耗、记忆能力和纳米尺寸等特点,是实现人工神经突触的理想器件。为构建简洁、高效、功能全面地联想记忆电路,该文首先提出一种简单的神经元电路和基于压控阈值忆阻器的突触电路。然后根据巴甫洛夫联想记忆模型,设计了相应的联想记忆电路。电路结构简单,仅包含3个神经元电路和突触电路,可有效降低网络复杂度和功耗。尤为重要的是该电路可以模拟全功能的联想记忆行为,不但实现了学习、遗忘、加速学习、减速遗忘以及减速自然遗忘等功能,而且学习速率和自然遗忘速率能够根据学习的次数自动调整,使电路更具仿生性。此外,该电路与艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线相吻合,扩大了电路的适用范围。Abstract: Memristor is an ideal device to realize artificial synapses due to its low power consumption, memory ability and nanometer size. In order to construct a simple, efficient and comprehensive associative memory circuit, a simple neuron circuit and a synaptic circuit based on the voltage-controlled threshold memristor is proposed. Then according to Pavlov’s associative memory model, the corresponding associative memory circuit is designed. This circuit has a simple structure and only contains three neurons and a memristive synapse, which can effectively reduce the network complexity and power consumption. what’s more, the circuit can simulate the full function of associative memory behavior. It not only realizes functions of learning, forgetting, accelerated-learning, deceleration-forgetting and deceleration-nature-forgetting, but also the learning rate and natural forgetting rate can be automatically adjusted according to the number of learning, so that the circuit is more bionic. In addition, the designed circuit agrees well with the Ebbinghaus forgetting curve, which enlarges the scope of application of the circuit.
表 1 联想记忆电路中各忆阻器参数
参数 M1 M2 M3 RON (Ω) 1×103 1×103 1×103 ROFF (Ω) 6×104 1×104 1×104 VT+ (V) 0.5 0.5 0.5 VT– (V) –0.2 –0.5 –0.5 -
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