Efficient Privacy Preserving Authentication Scheme for Online E-invoice Service
摘要: 近年来,发票形式由传统的纸质凭据向电子凭据转变。相比于开具纸质凭据,在线开具电子凭据具有流程简化、成本降低以及便于存储等优势。但是,如何保证在线开具电子凭据服务中实体身份的合法性以及身份信息的隐私性是当前研究的重点问题。为了解决此问题,利用预共享密钥机制,该文提出一种隐私保护在线开具电子凭据的认证方案。在此方案中,合法用户与企业完成交易后可以本地在线发起开票申请,国家税务总局的电子凭据系统成功核验实体身份和交易信息后可为该用户提供电子凭据。安全和性能分析结果表明提出方案可以在耗费较少认证开销的情况下提供鲁棒的安全属性。Abstract: In recent years, the form of invoice has changed from the traditional paper invoice to e-invoice. Compared with issuing paper invoice, there are the advantages of simpler process, lower cost, and easier storage for online issuing e-invoice. However, how to ensure the legitimacy of user identity and the privacy of identity information in online issuing e-invoice service is the focus issue of current research. In order to solve this issue, by using the pre- shared key mechanism, a privacy preserving authentication scheme for online issuing e-invoice is proposed. By this scheme, a legitimate user who has completed a transaction with an enterprise can initiate an e-invoice request locally and online, and the e-invoice system of the State Administration of taxation can provide the user with e-invoices after verifying the identity information and transaction information successfully. Security and performance analysis results show that the proposed scheme can provide robust security properties with less authentication overhead.
Key words:
- Network /
- E-invoice /
- Authentication /
- Privacy preserving
表 1 符号定义
符号 定义 符号 定义 $q/Z_q^*$ 大素数/模q的正整数集合 $ {M_j}/{m_j} $ 开票方的企业信息/开票方存储的订单交易信息 $E/G$ 椭圆曲线$E$上的循环群$G$ $ {h_{\text{1}}}/{h_{\text{2}}} $ $ {(0,1)^*} \to {(0,1)^l}/{(0,1)^*} \to {(0,1)^k} $ $P$ 循环群$G$的生成元 $ {f_{\text{1}}} $ ${(0,1)^*}\xrightarrow{ {{\rm{key}}} }{(0,1)^l}$ $ {K_{\text{e}}} $ 电子凭据系统主密钥 $ {\text{bind}} $ 身份证信息与人脸信息的绑定函数 $ {\text{sk/pk}} $ 电子凭据系统私钥/公钥 $ {\text{KDF}} $ $ {(0,1)^*} \to {(0,1)^l} $ ${{\rm{eID}}_i}/{{\rm{HID}}_i}$ 收票方用户i的身份证信息/匿名身份标识信息 $ {\text{ENC/DEC}} $ 对称加密/解密函数 $ {K_i}/{B_i} $ 收票方用户i的长期共享密钥/人脸信息 $ {\text{Gen/Rep}} $ 模糊提取生成/再生函数 $ {\alpha _i}/{\beta _i} $ 人脸信息相关的随机字符串/辅助字符串 $ || $ 连接符 ${{\rm{sID}}_j}/{K_j}$ 开票方j的企业标识/长期共享密钥 $ \oplus $ 异或操作 $ {t_{{\text{i0}}}}/{t_{{\text{j0}}}}/{t_i}/{t_{{\text{ej}}}}/{t_j} $ 时间戳 $ \cdot $ 椭圆曲线上的点乘操作 $ {M_i}/{m_i}/{M_{\text{e}}} $ 收票方的订单交易信息/订单编号信息/电子凭据信息 表 2 计算开销
方案 开具电子凭据认证过程(ms) 文献[13] $ 22{T_{\text{h}}} + 6{T_{\text{p}}}{\text{ + }}{T_{\text{r}}}{\text{ = }}452.56 $ 文献[14] $19{T_{\text{h}}} + 3{T_{\text{p}}}{\text{ + 8}}{T_{\text{s}}}{\text{ + }}{T_{\text{r}}}{\text{ = }}331.42$ 文献[16] $16{T_{\text{h}}} + 4{T_{\text{c}}}{\text{ + }}{T_{\text{e}}}{\text{ + }}{T_{{\text{crt}}}}{\text{ = }}133.08$ 本文方案 $27{T_{\text{h}}} + 8{T_{\text{s}}}{\text{ + }}{T_{\text{r}}}{\text{ = }}146.18$ -
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