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彭秀平 郑德亮 李红晓

彭秀平, 郑德亮, 李红晓. 素数长理想平衡四元几乎失配互补对构造[J]. 电子与信息学报, 2022, 44(2): 677-685. doi: 10.11999/JEIT210013
引用本文: 彭秀平, 郑德亮, 李红晓. 素数长理想平衡四元几乎失配互补对构造[J]. 电子与信息学报, 2022, 44(2): 677-685. doi: 10.11999/JEIT210013
PENG Xiuping, ZHENG Deliang, LI Hongxiao. The Constructions of Optimal Balanced Quadriphase Almost Mismatched Complementary Pairs with Prime Length[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2022, 44(2): 677-685. doi: 10.11999/JEIT210013
Citation: PENG Xiuping, ZHENG Deliang, LI Hongxiao. The Constructions of Optimal Balanced Quadriphase Almost Mismatched Complementary Pairs with Prime Length[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2022, 44(2): 677-685. doi: 10.11999/JEIT210013


doi: 10.11999/JEIT210013
基金项目: 河北省自然科学基金(F2021203040),河北省高等学校科学技术研究项目(BJ2018018, ZD2019039, QN2019133, QN2021144)





    彭秀平 pengxp@ysu.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: TN911.2

The Constructions of Optimal Balanced Quadriphase Almost Mismatched Complementary Pairs with Prime Length

Funds: The Natural Science Foundation of Hebei Province (F2021203040), The Science and Technology Program of Universities and Colleges in Hebei Province (BJ2018018, ZD2019039, QN2019133, QN2021144)
  • 摘要: 当一对失配序列的所有异相自相关函数和均为同一非0整数时,称该对失配序列为几乎失配互补对。该文提出平衡4元几乎失配互补对的新类型序列,通过Gray映射证明得到了平衡的素数长4元几乎失配互补对的理论界,基于4阶分圆类,提出满足理论界的周期为素数长的理想平衡4元几乎失配互补对的构造方法。通过该文研究扩大了4元互补对的存在范围,弥补了目前已有4元互补对大多只存在偶数长度的缺陷。
  • 图  1  失配序列$({x_1},{y_1})$$({x_2},{y_2})$的自相关函数值及两者之和

    图  2  失配序列$({x_1},{y_1})$$({x_2},{y_2})$的自相关函数值及两者之和

    表  1  $p$为偶数时,4阶分圆数及计算式

    ${(c,d)_4}$$s \equiv 1(\boldsymbolod 4)$$s \equiv 3(\boldsymbolod 4)$
    ${(0,0)_4}$$(Q - 11 - 6s)/16$$(Q - 11 + 6s)/16$
    ${(0,1)_4},{(1,0)_4},{(3,3)_4}$$(Q - 3 + 2s + 8t)/16$$(Q - 3 - 2s + 8t)/16$
    ${(0,2)_4},{(2,0)_4},{(2,2)_4}$$(Q - 3 + 2s)/16$$(Q - 3 - 2s)/16$
    ${(0,3)_4},{(1,1)_4},{(3,0)_4}$$(Q - 3 + 2s - 8t)/16$$(Q - 3 - 2s - 8t)/16$
    $\begin{array}{l} {(1,2)_4},{(1,3)_4},{(2,1)_4}, \\ {(2,3)_4},{(3,1)_4},{(3,2)_4} \\ \end{array} $$(Q + 1 - 2s)/16$$(Q + 1 + 2s)/16$
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    表  2  $p$为奇数时,4阶分圆数及计算式

    $(c,d){ _4}$$s \equiv 1(\boldsymbolod 4)$$s \equiv 3(\boldsymbolod 4)$
    ${(0,2)_4}$$(Q + 1 - 6s)/16$$(Q + 1 + 6s)/16$
    ${(0,0)_4},{(2,0)_4},{(2,2)_4}$$(Q - 7 + 2s)/16$$(Q - 7 - 2s)/16$
    ${(0,1)_4},{(1,3)_4},{(3,2)_4}$$(Q + 1 + 2s - 8t)/16$$(Q + 1 - 2s - 8t)/16$
    ${(0,3)_4},{(1,2)_4},{(3,1)_4}$$(Q + 1 + 2s + 8t)/16$$(Q + 1 - 2s + 8t)/16$
    $\begin{array}{l} {(1,0)_4},{(1,1)_4},{(2,1)_4}, \\ {(2,3)_4},{(3,0)_4},{(3,3)_4} \\ \end{array} $$ (Q - 3 - 2s)/16$$(Q - 3 + 2s)/16$
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    表  3  $p$为奇数时,平衡4元失配序列$({x_1},{y_1})$$({x_2},{y_2})$的定义参数

    $[({j_1},{k_1},{l_1},{r_1}),(j_1',k_1',l_1',r_1'),({j_2},{k_2},{l_2},{r_2}),(j_2',k_2',l_2',r_2')]$$[({x_1}(0),{y_1}(0)),({x_2}(0),{y_2}(0))] \in $
    $[((0,2,1,3),(0,2,1,3)),((0,2,1,3),(0,2,1,3))]$$\begin{array}{*{20}{l} }{\{ [(1, - 1),( - 1,1)];[({\rm{i}}, - {\rm{i}}),( - {\rm{i}},{\rm{i}})];}\\{[({\rm{i}},1),(1, - {\rm{i}})];[( - {\rm{i}}, - 1),( - 1,{\rm{i}})];}\\{[(1,{\rm{i}}),( - 1, - {\rm{i}})];[({\rm{i}}, - 1),( - {\rm{i}},1)]\} }\end{array}$
    $[((0,2,1,3),(0,2,1,3)),((0,2,3,1),(0,2,3,1))]$$\begin{array}{*{20}{l} }{\{ [(1, - {\rm{i}}),({\rm{i}},1)];[( - 1,{\rm{i}}),( - {\rm{i}}, - 1)];}\\{[({\rm{i}},1),(1, - {\rm{i}})];[( - {\rm{i}}, - 1),( - 1,{\rm{i}})];}\\{[(1,{\rm{i}}),( - {\rm{i}},1)];[( - 1, - {\rm{i}}),({\rm{i}}, - 1)];}\\{[({\rm{i}}, - 1),( - 1, - {\rm{i}})];[( - {\rm{i}},1),(1,{\rm{i}})]\} }\end{array}$
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    表  4  $p$为偶数时,平衡4元失配序列$({x_1},{y_1})$$({x_2},{y_2})$的定义参数

    $[({j_1},{k_1},{l_1},{r_1}),(j_1',k_1',l_1',r_1'),({j_2},{k_2},{l_2},{r_2}),(j_2',k_2',l_2',r_2')]$$[({x_1}(0),{y_1}(0)),({x_2}(0),{y_2}(0))] \in $
    $[((0,2,1,3),(0,2,1,3)),((0,2,1,3),(0,2,1,3))]$$\begin{array}{*{20}{l} }{\{ [(1, - 1),( - 1,1)];[({\rm{i}}, - {\rm{i}}),( - {\rm{i}},{\rm{i}})];}\\{[(1, - {\rm{i}}),( - 1,{\rm{i}})];[({\rm{i}},1),( - {\rm{i}}, - 1)];}\\{[(1,{\rm{i}}),( - 1, - {\rm{i}})];[({\rm{i}}, - 1),( - {\rm{i}},1)]\} }\end{array}$
    $\begin{array}{*{20}{l} }{\{ [(1, - 1),(1, - 1)];[( - 1,1),( - 1,1)];}\\{[({\rm{i} }, - {\rm{i} }),( - {\rm{i} },{\rm{i} })];[( - {\rm{i} },{\rm{i} }),({\rm{i} }, - {\rm{i} })];}\\{[(1, - {\rm{i} }),( - {\rm{i} }, - 1)];[( - 1,{\rm{i} }),({\rm{i} },1)];}\\{[({\rm{i} },1),( - 1,{\rm{i} })];[( - {\rm{i} }, - 1),(1, - {\rm{i} })];}\\{[(1,{\rm{i} }),({\rm{i} }, - 1)];[( - 1, - {\rm{i}}),( - {\rm{i} },1)];}\\{[({\rm{i} }, - 1),(1,{\rm{i} })];[( - {\rm{i} },1),( - 1, - {\rm{i} })]\} }\end{array}$
    $[((0,1,2,3),(0,1,2,3)),((0,3,1,2),(0,3,1,2))]$$\begin{array}{*{20}{l} }{\{ [({\rm{i}},1),( - 1,{\rm{i}})];[( - {\rm{i}}, - 1),(1, - {\rm{i}})];}\\{[(1,{\rm{i}}),({\rm{i}}, - 1)];[( - 1, - {\rm{i}}),( - {\rm{i}},1)]\} }\end{array}$
    $[((0,1,2,3),(0,1,2,3)),((0,3,2,1),(0,3,2,1))]$$\begin{array}{*{20}{l} }{\{ [({\rm{i}},1),( - {\rm{i}}, - 1)];[( - {\rm{i}}, - 1),({\rm{i}},1)];}\\{[(1,{\rm{i}}),( - 1, - {\rm{i}})];[( - 1, - {\rm{i}}),(1,{\rm{i}})]\} }\end{array}$
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    表  5  4元周期互补对已有结果总结

    文献[15,20]2, 4, 8, 10, 16, 20, 26, 32, 34, 40, ···Gray映射,交织操作不平衡
    文献[21,22]2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 18,
    20, 22, 24, 26, 30, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48, ···
    文献[23]3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, ···, 41, 43, 45, 49
    4, 6, 8, 10, ···, 30, 34, 36, 38, ···
    定理2素数长$ Q=4p+1, p$为奇数4阶分圆平衡
    定理3素数长$ Q=4p+1, p$为偶数4阶分圆平衡
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