Person Re-Identification Based on Diversified Local Attention Network
摘要: 针对现实场景中行人图像被遮挡以及行人姿态或视角变化造成的未对齐问题,该文提出一种基于多样化局部注意力网络(DLAN)的行人重识别(Re-ID)方法。首先,在骨干网络后分别设计了全局网络和多分支局部注意力网络,一方面学习全局的人体空间结构特征,另一方面自适应地获取人体不同部位的显著性局部特征;然后,构造了一致性激活惩罚函数引导各局部分支学习不同身体区域的互补特征,从而获取行人的多样化特征表示;最后,将全局特征与局部特征集成到分类识别网络中,通过联合学习形成更全面的行人描述。在Market1501, DukeMTMC-reID和CUHK03行人重识别数据集上,DLAN模型的mAP值分别达到了88.4%, 79.5%和74.3%,Rank-1值分别达到了95.1%, 88.7%和76.3%,明显优于大多数现有方法,实验结果充分验证了所提方法的鲁棒性和判别能力。Abstract: To relieve the problem of occlusion and misalignment caused by pose/view variations in real world, a new deep architecture named Diversified Local Attention Network (DLAN) for person Re-IDentification (Re-ID) is proposed in this paper. On the whole, a global branch and multiple local attention branches are designed following the backbone network, which simultaneously learn the pedestrians' global spatial structure and salient local features of different body parts. Furthermore, a novel Consistent Activation Penalty (CAP) is devised to constraint the output of local networks so as to obtain the complementary and diversified feature representations. Finally, the global and local features are fed into the classification network to form more comprehensive description of pedestrian via jointly learning. Utilizing Market1501, DukeMTMC-reID and CUHK03 datasets, the proposed DLAN model has reached 88.4%/95.1%, 79.5%/88.7% and 74.3%/76.3% (mAP/Rank-1) respectively, which are better than the compared methods. The experiments adequately verify the robustness and discriminability of the proposed method.
表 1 DLAN模型网络变种结构表
网络变种 分支结构 损失函数 网络变种 分支结构 损失函数 全局 局部 全局 局部 LAN Baseline GAP
BN— $L_{{\rm{id}}}^{} + L_{{\rm{tri}}}^{}$ 3L+LAN+CAP — GAP
BNCAP $L_{{\rm{id}}}^{}{\rm{ + }}L_{{\rm{tri}}}^{}{\rm{ + }}{L_{{\rm{CAP}}}}$ 3L — GAP
BN$L_{{\rm{id}}}^{} + L_{{\rm{tri}}}^{}$ G+3L+LAN GAP
BN$L_{{\rm{id}}}^{} + L_{{\rm{tri}}}^{}$ LAN 3L+LAN — LAN
BN$L_{{\rm{id}}}^{} + L_{{\rm{tri}}}^{}$ G+3L+LAN+CAP
BNCAP $L_{{\rm{id}}}^{}{\rm{ + }}L_{{\rm{tri}}}^{}{\rm{ + }}{L_{{\rm{CAP}}}}$ 表 2 消融实验结果(%)
网络变种 mAP Rank-1 Rank-5 Rank-10 Params Baseline 84.3 93.5 97.5 98.9 25.1M 3L 85.9 94.0 98.3 99.0 38.2M 3L+LAN 86.3 94.3 98.4 99.0 43.5M 3L+LAN+CAP 86.9 94.7 98.4 99.0 43.5M G+3L+LAN 87.8 94.7 98.5 99.0 49.6M G+3L+LAN+CAP(DLAN) 88.4 95.1 98.6 99.1 49.6M 表 3 DLAN模型及各对比算法在不同遮挡水平下的重识别结果(%)
Market1501 DukeMTMC-reID s = 0 s = 0.3 s = 0.6 s = 0 s = 0.3 s = 0.6 Rank-1 mAP Rank-1 mAP Rank-1 mAP Rank-1 mAP Rank-1 mAP Rank-1 mAP XQDA 43.0 21.7 28.3 28.3 28.3 12.0 31.2 17.2 20.5 10.6 17.4 9.4 NPD 55.4 30.0 39.6 19.1 32.5 16.1 46.7 27.3 33.7 17.7 29.7 15.7 IDE 81.9 61.0 62.4 48.2 45.6 36.4 66.3 45.2 57.9 41.6 39.0 28.4 TriNet 83.2 64.9 68.6 54.7 47.9 38.9 71.4 51.6 56.0 40.8 43.1 28.4 P2S 69.9 50.1 36.2 27.0 35.8 25.9 58.7 40.5 45.2 31.5 33.5 22.9 PAN 81.0 63.4 52.0 36.5 43.2 30.0 71.6 51.5 44.7 29.0 39.9 25.9 SVDNet 81.4 61.2 62.3 46.9 52.0 40.3 75.9 56.3 59.1 43.5 50.6 37.9 RandEra 85.8 68.4 73.8 58.7 51.4 38.9 73.3 57 62.9 47.4 47.9 35.1 RNLSTMA 90.6 76.9 77.0 64.0 53.1 45.1 77.4 62.5 70.2 58.6 52.3 41.5 mGD+RNLSTMA 91.3 77.9 85.1 71.2 65.8 53.2 80.8 63.9 74.1 58.8 63.0 47.7 DLAN 95.1 88.4 89.2 79.3 71.5 59.0 88.7 79.5 83.6 72.4 68.9 56.6 表 4 DLAN方法与现有Re-ID方法的性能比较(%)
方法 Market1501 DukeMTMC-REID CUHK03-NP-Labled CUHK03-NP-Detected mAP Rank-1 mAP Rank-1 mAP Rank-1 mAP Rank-1 SVDNet[29] 62.1 82.3 56.8 76.7 – – 37.3 41.5 SGGNN[30] 82.8 92.3 68.2 81.1 – – – – PCB[8] 81.6 93.8 69.2 83.3 – – 57.5 63.7 BDB[32] 84.3 94.2 72.1 86.8 71.7 73.6 69.3 72.8 CAM[14] 84.5 94.7 73.7 87.7 – – – – MHN[31] 85.0 95.1 77.2 89.1 72.4 77.2 65.4 71.7 CCAN[22] 87.0 94.6 76.8 87.2 72.9 75.2 70.7 73.0 DLAN 88.4 95.1 79.5 88.7 74.3 76.3 71.8 73.4 -
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