Feature Selection Algorithm for Dynamically Weighted Conditional Mutual Information
摘要: 特征选择是机器学习、自然语言处理和数据挖掘等领域中数据预处理阶段必不可少的步骤。在一些基于信息论的特征选择算法中,存在着选择不同参数就是选择不同特征选择算法的问题。如何确定动态的非先验权重并规避预设先验参数就成为一个急需解决的问题。该文提出动态加权的最大相关性和最大独立性(WMRI)的特征选择算法。首先该算法分别计算新分类信息和保留类别信息的平均值。其次,利用标准差动态调整这两种分类信息的参数权重。最后,WMRI与其他5个特征选择算法在3个分类器上,使用10个不同数据集,进行分类准确率指标(fmi)验证。实验结果表明,WMRI方法能够改善特征子集的质量并提高分类精度。Abstract: Feature selection is an essential step in the data preprocessing phase in the fields of machine learning, natural language processing and data mining. In some feature selection algorithms based on information theory, there is a problem that choosing different parameters means choosing different feature selection algorithms. How to determine the dynamic, non-a priori weights and avoid the preset a priori parameters become an urgent problem. A Dynamic Weighted Maximum Relevance and maximum Independence (WMRI) feature selection algorithm is proposed in this paper. Firstly, the algorithm calculates the average value of the new classification information and the retained classification information. Secondly, the standard deviation is used to dynamically adjust the parameter weights of these two types of classification information. At last, WMRI and the other five feature selection algorithms use ten different data sets on three classifiers for the fmi classification metrics validation. The experimental results show that the WMRI method can improve the quality of feature subsets and increase classification accuracy.
Key words:
- Feature selection /
- Classification information /
- Average value /
- Standard deviation /
- Dynamic weighting
表 1 WMRI算法的伪代码
输入:原始特征集合$F = \left\{ { {f_{\rm{1} } },{f_{\rm{2} } }, \cdots,{f_n} } \right\}$,类标签集合$C$,阈
值$K$输出:最优特征子集$S$ (1) 初始化:$S = \phi $, $k = 0$ (2) for k=1 to n (3) 计算每个特征与标签的互信息值$I\left( {C;{f_k}} \right)$ (4) ${J_{{\rm{WMRI}}} }(k) = \arg \max \left( {I\left( {C;{f_k} } \right)} \right)$ (5) Set $F \leftarrow F\backslash \{ {f_k}\} $ (6) Set $S \leftarrow \{ {f_k}\} $ (7) while $k \le K$ (8) for each${f_k} \in F$do (9) 分别计算新分类信息项$I\left( {C;{f_k}|{f_{{\rm{sel}}}}} \right)$与保留类别信息项 $I\left( {C;{f_{{\rm{sel}}}}|{f_k}} \right)$的值 (10) 根据式(4),计算新分类信息项的平均值${\mu _1}$ (11) 根据式(5),计算新分类信息项的标准方差$\alpha $ (12) 根据式(6),计算保留类别信息项的平均值${\mu _2}$ (13) 根据式(7),计算保留类别信息项的标准方差$\beta $ (14) 根据式(3),更新${J_{{\rm{WMRI}}}}\left( {{f_k}} \right)$ (15) end for (16) 根据${J_{{\rm{WMRI}}}}\left( {{f_k}} \right)$评估标准,寻找最优的候选特征${f_k}$ (17) Set $F \leftarrow F\backslash \{ {f_k}\} $ (18) Set $S \leftarrow \{ {f_k}\} $ (19) k=k+1 (20) end while 表 2 数据集描述
序号 数据集名称 特征数 样本数 类别数 数据来源 1 musk2 167 476 2 UCI 2 madelon 500 2600 2 ASU 3 ALLAML 7129 72 2 ASU 4 CNAE-9 857 1080 9 UCI 5 mfeat-kar 65 2000 10 UCI 6 USPS 256 9298 10 ASU 7 semeion 257 1593 10 ASU 8 COIL20 1024 1440 20 ASU 9 wpbc 34 198 22 UCI 10 Isolet 617 1560 26 ASU 表 3 KNN分类器的平均分类准确率fmi(%)
数据集 WMRI IG-RFE CFR JMIM DCSF MRI madelon 79.807 55.037(+) 69.422(+) 76.654(+) 58.465(+) 77.999(+) USPS 84.372 52.601(+) 55.796(+) 84.372(=) 48.376(+) 62.11(+) COIL20 87.014 79.236(+) 79.306(+) 83.542(+) 79.236(+) 77.569(+) musk2 74.002 68.065(+) 70.172(+) 70.592(+) 71.019(+) 69.766(+) CNAE-9 76.667 74.722(+) 76.667(=) 52.315(+) 76.667(=) 76.667(+) mfeat-kar 95.961 96.11(–) 95.905(+) 94.459(+) 95.908(+) 95.905(+) ALLAML 73.873 72.29(+) 68.774(+) 73.873(=) 68.211(+) 62.403(+) wpbc 36.298 29.482(+) 33.427(+) 27.814(+) 33.423(+) 36.298(=) Isolet 57.628 47.756(+) 46.795(+) 45.705(+) 51.154(+) 48.91(+) semeion 75.196 64.981(+) 68.989(+) 55.015(+) 73.501(+) 68.728(+) 平均值 74.082 64.028 66.525 66.434 65.596 67.636 W/T/L 9/0/1 9/1/0 8/2/0 9/1/0 9/1/0 表 4 C4.5分类器的平均分类准确率fmi(%)
数据集 WMRI IG-RFE CFR JMIM DCSF MRI madelon 79.886 53.653(+) 69.305(+) 65.302(+) 57.808(+) 78.694(+) USPS 75.94 71.756(+) 76.198(–) 75.66(+) 72.057(+) 77.908(–) COIL20 78.403 68.889(+) 71.944(+) 72.014(+) 78.333(+) 71.944(+) musk2 66.42 63.485(+) 61.612(+) 66.433(–) 64.499(+) 61.981(+) CNAE-9 81.481 80.833(+) 81.481(=) 62.593(+) 81.481(=) 81.481(=) mfeat-kar 85.058 84.563(+) 84.863(+) 81.612(+) 84.914(+) 84.915(+) ALLAML 74.815 69.619(+) 59.606(+) 73.553(+) 70.523(+) 59.499(+) wpbc 35.483 27.942(+) 31.991(+) 29.547(+) 31.757(+) 35.176(+) Isolet 53.141 41.667(+) 50.513(+) 39.936(+) 52.372(+) 52.244(+) semeion 72.311 65.974(+) 67.614(+) 55.03(+) 70.435(+) 67.355(+) 平均值 70.258 62.854 65.518 62.183 66.455 67.129 W/T/L 10/0/0 8/1/1 9/0/1 9/1/0 8/1/1 表 5 Random Forest分类器的平均分类准确率fmi(%)
数据集 WMRI IG-RFE CFR JMIM DCSF MRI madelon 81.308 53.882(+) 70.499(+) 64.306(+) 60.227(+) 81.04(+) USPS 84.414 79.038(+) 82.791(+) 84.091(+) 79.662(+) 84.018(+) COIL20 88.681 80.972(+) 82.847(+) 80.278(+) 84.653(+) 82.222(+) musk2 69.379 65.138(+) 67.886(+) 68.695(+) 67.229(+) 68.917(+) CNAE-9 82.222 81.667(+) 81.852(+) 62.407(+) 81.944(+) 82.037(+) mfeat-kar 89.53 83.666(+) 83.812(+) 89.024(+) 87.581(+) 88.52(+) ALLAML 84.683 72.504(+) 69.367(+) 80.73(+) 71.824(+) 64.132(+) wpbc 45.655 43.239(+) 45.496(+) 44.105(+) 45.059(+) 44.067(+) Isolet 60.641 48.782(+) 55.833(+) 46.538(+) 60.128(+) 58.013(+) semeion 78.722 69.169(+) 73.203(+) 59.113(+) 76.269(+) 73.33(+) 平均值 76.524 67.806 71.359 67.929 71.458 72.63 W/T/L 10/0/0 10/0/0 10/0/0 10/0/0 10/0/0 -
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