Action Recognition Model Based on 3D Graph Convolution and Attention Enhanced
摘要: 针对当前行为识别方法无法有效提取非欧式3维骨架序列的时空信息与缺乏针对特定关节关注的问题,该文提出了一种基于3维图卷积与注意力增强的行为识别模型。首先,介绍了3维卷积与图卷积的具体工作原理;其次,基于图卷积中可处理变长邻居节点的图卷积核,引入3维卷积的3维采样空间将2维图卷积核改进为具有3维采样空间的3维图卷积核,提出一种3维图卷积方法。针对3维采样空间内的邻居节点,通过3维图卷积核,实现了对骨架序列中时空信息的有效提取;然后,为增强对于特定关节的关注,聚焦重要的动作信息,设计了一种注意力增强结构;再者,结合3维图卷积方法与注意力增强结构,构建了基于3维图卷积与注意力增强的行为识别模型;最后,基于NTU-RGBD和MSR Action 3D骨架动作数据集开展了骨架行为识别的研究。研究结果进一步验证了基于3维图卷积与注意力增强的行为识别模型针对时空信息的有效提取能力及识别准确率。Abstract: To solve the problems that current behavior recognition methods can not effectively extract the spatial-temporal information in non-European 3D skeleton sequence and lack attention for specific joints, an action recognition model based on 3D graph convolution and attention enhanced is proposed in this paper. Firstly, the specific working principles of the 3D convolution and graph convolution are introduced; Secondly, a 3D graph convolution method is proposed. It is based on the graph convolution kernel that can handle variable-length neighbor nodes in graph and 3D sampling space of 3D convolution is introduced to improve 2D graph convolution kernel to 3D graph convolution kernel with 3D sampling space. For neighbor nodes in 3D sampling space, this method realizes effective extraction of spatial-temporal information with a 3D graph convolution kernel; Thirdly, in order to enhance attention to specific joints and focus important action information, an attention enhanced structure is designed. Besides, through combining 3D graph convolution with attention enhanced structure, action recognition model based on 3D graph convolution and attention enhanced is proposed. Finally, the researches are carried on NTU-RGBD and MSR Action 3D skeleton action dataset. The results further verify the ability to extract spatial-temporal information of this model and its classification accuracy.
表 1 基于3维图卷积与注意力增强的行为识别模型的网络结构
结构层 输入 $ \left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {{\text{注意力增强结构}}}\\ {3{\text{维图卷积}}} \end{array}} \right]$ ··· $ \left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {{\text{注意力增强结构}}}\\ {3{\text{维图卷积}}} \end{array}} \right]$ ··· $ \left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {{\text{注意力增强结构}}}\\ {3{\text{维图卷积}}} \end{array}} \right]$ ··· Flatting FC Fusion 特征1 [3,300,25] [16,300,25] ··· [32,150,25] ··· [64,75,25] ··· [120000] [64] [60] 特征2 [3,300,25] [16,300,25] ··· [32,150,25] ··· [64,75,25] ··· [120000] [64] 表 2 不同模型深度的识别准确率对比(%)
模型深度 5层3DGCN 6层3DGCN 7层3DGCN 8层3DGCN 9层3DGCN 10层3DGCN 11层3DGCN Top-1 92.18 92.59 92.76 92.93 93.04 93.30 93.01 Top-5 99.05 99.07 99.07 99.10 99.07 99.49 99.17 表 3 不同邻居采样范围的识别准确率对比(%)
采样范围 3帧采样范围 5帧采样范围 7帧采样范围 9帧采样范围 11帧采样范围 Top-1 92.55 92.73 92.90 93.30 93.08 Top-5 99.11 99.40 99.00 99.49 99.10 表 4 注意力增强结构与多种注意力机制的识别准确率对比(%)
模型 3DGCN 3DGCN+Hard Attention 3DGCN+Soft Attention 3DGCN+Self Attention 3DGCN+注意力增强结构 Top-1 92.90 92.87 93.04 92.98 93.30 Top-5 99.14 99.02 99.04 99.12 99.09 表 5 NTU数据集上不同模型的识别准确率对比(%)
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