A Decoupling and Dimension Dividing Multi-parameter Estimation Method for Cross-band SAR Scattering Centers
摘要: 微波光子雷达发射大带宽跨谱段的信号,为目标的精细电磁特性描述和准确识别提供基础的同时,也亟需与之相应的大带宽大转角情况下的电磁模型参数提取方法。相比窄带条件,跨谱段信号数据量大,所含物理量信息维度高且复杂,大转角情况下距离和方位向耦合。该文提出跨谱段SAR散射中心多维参数解耦和估计方法,首先结合极坐标格式算法(PFA)和属性散射中心模型构造2维解耦波数域散射中心模型,再结合坐标下降法(CDA)将复杂的高维耦合参数估计方法简化为循环迭代的1维参数估计方法,有效降低字典维度和估计复杂度,并引入Hooke-Jeeves算法提高估计精度。最后根据各个散射中心的参数估计结果对它们的结构和位置进行识别,对仿真数据的处理实验验证了该文方法的有效性。Abstract: Microwave photonics radar generates cross-band signals with large bandwidth, providing a basis for precise electromagnetic characteristics description and accurate identification of targets. Meanwhile, a corresponding electromagnetic model parameter extraction method is urgently required in the case of large-bandwidth and wide-angle. For the same scene, the amount of return signals will increase considerably in cross-band condition comparing with narrow-bandwidth condition. Furthermore, the signals under cross-band condition may exhibit complex range-azimuth coupling. Under such a condition, it is of difficulty to estimate high dimensional physical parameters of scattering centers in the scene from return signals. To solve this problem, a multi-parameter estimation of cross-band SAR scattering centers method is proposed. The Polar Format Algorithm (PFA) and the attributed scattering center model are combined to construct a two-dimensional decoupled wavenumber domain model. With this scattering model, the estimation procedure is transformed into an optimization problem with multiple variables. This complex multi-variable optimization problem is divided into a set of single variable optimization problems by using the Coordinate Descent Algorithm (CDA). The separation effectively reduces dictionary dimensions and estimation complexity. Moreover, the Hooke-Jeeves algorithm is introduced to enhance estimation accuracy in each single variable optimization problem. Consequently, the proposed estimator for scattering parameters is not only efficient, but also accurate. The structure and location of each scattering center can be identified according to the parameter estimation results. Simulation results confirm the validity of the proposed method.
表 1 仿真模型参数估计结果
散射中心 $L\left( {\rm{m }}\right)$ ${\bar \varphi _0}\left( {{\rm{rad}}} \right)$ $\alpha $ $x\left( {\rm{m}} \right)$ $y\left( {\rm{m}} \right)$ $A$ 散射体结构 1 0.4512 –0.0045 0.5 –0.2530 0.0070 0.3881+0.0284i 圆柱体 2 0 0 0 –0.7970 0.3990 0.0012+0.0003i 球体 表 2 挖掘机散射中心参数估计结果
散射中心 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 $L\left( {\rm{m}} \right)$ 2.0695 2.0824 0.0723 0.1000 0.1000 0 0.1 $\alpha $ 0 0 0.5 0 0 0 –1 散射体结构 直边 直边 圆柱 直边 直边 球面 角衍射 散射中心 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 $L\left( {\rm{m}} \right)$ 0 0 0.2372 0.2200 0.0687 0 0 $\alpha $ 0 0.5 0 0 0.5 0 0.5 散射体结构 球面 帽顶 直边 直边 圆柱 球面 帽顶 -
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