Design of a 0.3~3.5 GHz Hybrid Continuous Power Amplifier
摘要: 混合连续类相比较于传统连续类模型弱化了阻抗条件,简化了宽带匹配难度。该文通过采用混合连续类模型并基于阻抗缓冲概念为理论的新型谐波控制网络,设计了一款跨3个倍频层的混合连续类射频功率放大器。实测结果表明在0.3~3.5 GHz相对带宽为168.4%的频段范围内实现了漏极效率58.4%~72.6%,增益10 dB以上,输出功率为39.8~41.2 dBm。Abstract: Compared with the traditional continuous model, the mixed continuous model weakens the impedance condition and simplifies the difficulty of broadband matching. In this paper, a new type of harmonic control network used a hybrid continuous model and based on the concept of impedance buffering is designed to design a hybrid continuous radio frequency power amplifier that spans three octave layers. The measured results show that the drain efficiency is 58.4%~72.6%, the gain is more than 10 dB, and the output power is 39.8~41.2 dBm in the frequency range of 168.4% relative bandwidth of 0.3~3.5 GHz.
表 1 本文设计功放与国内外相关功放性能对比
文献对比 工作模式 频率(GHz) BW(%) PAE(%) DE(%) 增益(dB) Pout(dBm) 年份 文献[2] F类/逆F类 2.4~4.2 54.5 – 55.0~82.0 11~13.6 39.5~41.9 2019 文献[11] 连续类 0.8~3.6 127.0 – 55.8~74.1 10.2~12.2 39.5~42.1 2016 文献[13] 连续F类 0.5~2.3 128.5 52.7~80.7 60.0~81.0 11.7~25.3 39.2~41.2 2017 文献[15] BJ类/F-1类 2.2~2.8 24.0 58.0~75.0 65.9~79.7 12.0~18.0 41.0~43.0 2019 文献[16] 连续B/J类 1.2~2.6 74.0 – 63.0~68.0 10.0~13.6 40.5~41.6 2018 本文 混合连续 0.3~3.5 168.4 – 58.4~72.6 10.0~18.0 39.8~41.2 2019 -
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