Software-defined Power Communication Network Routing Control Strategy Based on Graph Convolution Network
Abstract:Transmission delay and packet loss rate are critical issues in reliable transmission of power communication services. A minimum path selection routing control strategy for software-defined power communication networks is proposed. Combining the characteristics of the centralized control structure of the software-defined power communication network, a Link Bandwidth Occupancy Predictive model based on Graph Convolutional Network (LBOP-GCN) is built to analyze the route paths bandwidth occupancy in the next period. The selectivity (Q) of different transmission paths from the source node is calculated to the destination node is calculated by using Triangle Modular Operator (TMO) to fuse the transmission delay of the path, the path bandwidth occupancy at the current moment and the path bandwidth occupancy at the next moment. Then the path with the lowest Q value is used as the flow table of the OpenFlow switch delivered by the Software Defined Network (SDN) controller. Experiments show that the proposed routing control strategy can effectively reduce service transmission delay and packet loss rate.
表 1 OpenFlow交换机端口和流表状态参数
端口参数 符号 说明 流表参数 符号 说明 $p_{a,q}^1(t)$ rx_packets 接收的数据包数 $f_a^1(t)$ length 交换机流表容量 $p_{a,q}^2(t)$ tx_packets 转发的数据包数 $f_a^2(t)$ priority 流表项匹配次序 $p_{a,q}^3(t)$ rx_bytes 接收的字节数 $f_a^3(t)$ packet_count 根据流表转发的数据包数 $p_{a,q}^4(t)$ tx_bytes 转发的字节数 $f_a^4(t)$ byte_count 根据流表转发的字节数 $p_{a,q}^5(t)$ rx_dropped 接收时丢弃的数据包数 $f_a^5(t)$ duration_sec 数据流持续时间 $p_{a,q}^6(t)$ tx_dropped 转发时丢弃的数据包数 $f_a^6(t)$ duration_nsec 数据流额外生存时间 $p_{a,q}^7(t)$ tx_errors 转发时错误的数据包数 $f_a^7(t)$ idle_timeout 流表项从交换机移除的相对时间 $p_{a,q}^8(t)$ rx_frame_err 接收时错误帧的数 $f_a^8(t)$ hard_timeout 流表项从交换机移除的绝对时间 $p_{a,q}^9(t)$ rx_over_eer 接收时溢出的数据包数 – – – 表 2 链路带宽占用率等级
${\mu _j}(t)$ ${\mu _j}(t)$等级 链路拥塞状态 ${s_j}(t)$ 0~0.6 Ⅰ 无拥塞 1 0.6~0.7 Ⅱ 正常负荷 2 0.7~0.8 Ⅲ 可能拥塞 3 0.8~0.9 Ⅳ 一般拥塞 4 超过0.9 Ⅴ 严重拥塞 5 -
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