Research on the Collaborative Beamforming Technique Based on the Node Selection for Satellite Internet of Things
Abstract:The transmission performance of nodes in the satellite Internet of Things(IoT) is limited due to the long-distance transmission and the power-constrained terminal. A collaborative beamforming technique is proposed based on the node selection algorithm to improve the transmission performance of nodes. An average far-field beampattern for collaborative beamforming is derived by considering the location information error in practical scenario. Furthermore, the difference between average beampattern and instantaneous beampattern is analyzed by the system parameters. On this basis, a node selection algorithm is proposed based on region grouping not only to meet the requirement of satellite link, but also to suppress the sidelobe. Simulation results show better performance of the proposed algorithm compared with the traditional node selection algorithms in the actural error model.
表 1 区域分组节点选择算法
${\rm{List}}m$=[]:存放$[{A_m}\sim {A_{m + k - 1}}]$中节点集合;${\rm{List}}m'$=[]:存放$[{A_{M + m}}\sim {A_{M + m + k - 1}}]$中节点集合; ${\rm{List}}C$=[]:存放$[{A_m}\sim {A_{m + k - 1}}]$中用于协作传输节点集合;${\rm{List}}C'$=[]:存放$[{A_{M + m}}\sim {A_{M + m + k - 1}}]$中用于协作传输节点集合; ${\rm{List}}F$=[]:存放代价函数值的集合;初始随机产生$S$个节点:${P_s}({r_s},{\phi _s}),\;s = 1,2,···,S$; $S$:源节点覆盖节点数;$M$:分组对数;$N$:协作波束成形节点数;$E$:迭代次数; For $s$=1 to $S$ do For $m$=1 to $M$ do If ${\phi _s} \in [\phi {A_m}\sim \phi {A_{m + k - 1}}]$ then ${\rm{List}}m$=${\rm{List}}m$+${P_s}$; End If ${\phi _s} \in [\phi {A_{M + m}}\sim \phi {A_{M + m + k - 1}}]$ then ${\rm{List}}m'$=${\rm{List}}m'$+${P_s}$; End End End For $e$=1 to $E$ do For $m$=1 to $M$ do 从${\rm{List}}m$中随机选择${{[N} / {\rm{2}}}]$或${{[(N + 1)} / {\rm{2}}}]$个节点放入${\rm{List}}C$中; 从${\rm{List}}m'$中随机选择${{[N} / {\rm{2}}}]$或${{[(N + 1)} / {\rm{2}}}]$个节点放入${\rm{List}}C'$中; 根据${\rm{List}}C$和${\rm{List}}C'$中的节点计算代价函数${f_m}$; End ${\rm{List}}F$=${\rm{List}}F + {f_m}$; End Find(min(${\rm{List}}F$(average)))$\xrightarrow{{}}$$\{ {A_{{\rm{best}}}}\sim {A_{{\rm{best}} + k - 1}},{A_{M + {\rm{best}}}}\sim {A_{M + {\rm{best}} + k - 1}}\} $。 表 2 仿真参数设计表
参数 值 卫星轨道高度 $d$=600 km 卫星天线增益 ${G_R}$=25 dBi 卫星品质因数 ${G / T}$=5 ${\rm{dB}}{{\rm{K}}^{ - 1}}$ 空间传播损耗 ${L_f}$=168.7 dB 频率 2.6 GHz 节点天线增益(全向天线) ${G_s}$=0 dBi 节点发射功率 ${P_s}$=10 dBm 调制方式 QPSK 信息速率 ${R_b}$=2048 kbps 无线传感器网络范围 500$ \times $500 m2 网络节点总数 300 源节点覆盖范围 R=100 m,约60个左右 定位误差 $B$=1 m,(约10个波长) 期望/非期望方向 (600 km,${30^{ \circ} }$,${0^{ \circ} }$)/(600 km,${30^{ \circ} }$,${1^{ \circ} }$) -
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