Application of Finite Element-Based Domain Decomposition Method to the Simulation for Permanent Magnet Focusing System
Abstract:With the development of computer technology and parallel solving technology, domain decomposition method has been increasingly applied to various fields of computational electromagnetics. For the simulation of microwave tube permanent magnet focusing system, this paper proposes a finite element-based non-overlapping domain decomposition method, and introduces a novel transmission condition. Then the interior penalty formulation is used to derive the finite element weak form. The biggest advantage of the proposed domain decomposition method is that no extra unknowns are introduced, and the final finite element matrix is symmetric and positive definite, which makes the matrix equation suitable be solved by the preconditioned conjugate gradient method. In this paper, several microwave tube permanent magnet focusing systems are simulated and compared with the commercial software Maxwell in detail. The results show that the proposed domain decomposition method has the same accuracy as Maxwell, but has a more superior computational performance.
表 1 单周期结构区域分解法与Maxwell软件性能对比
求解方法 子区域数 网格数 计算时间(s) 峰值内存(MB) Maxwell 2428919 435 10342 区域分解法 8 2718101 291 8129 12 2718101 135 7111 16 2718101 132 6461 20 2718101 38 5532 表 2 Wiggler结构区域分解法与Maxwell性能对比
实例 网格数 求解方法 计算时间(s) 峰值内存(MB) 实例1 5987880 Maxwell 2171 30515 6476933 区域分解法 589 23407 实例2 7784252 Maxwell 2717 35942 8200780 区域分解法 858 29387 实例3 9014971 Maxwell 4766 45875 9158627 区域分解法 1129 33466 -
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